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Date: March 21st 1942
Dennis Quinlan

1235 - 14th Ave W
March 21

My dearest Den.

Your letter Feb 26th arrived today and I sure was happy Your letters tell me so very much, its all the little details that count, and knowing the places you go to when in London I just picture you walking along those familiar places Don't you enjoy the "Theatres"? They are what I miss most of all as far as, entertainment is concerned. well who knows one day we may be going into enjoy these Theatres, altogether nothing less than the "Royal Box" would suit that occasion Had a grand chat with Fran on the phone, last night, and heres hoping by now her picture has arrived, I insisted, she sent ont to me and I hope she will, because I, guess it's a grand picture, I can imagine your happiness, when it arrives.

Well dear, this letter is likely to arrive very near your birthday, and in case nothing else from me has reached you, I could again wish you, with all the love in my heart, a grand day, it is just 22 years on another Easter Sunday that god, was good in sending me such a grand son, and Easter, ever since has held a very special meaning to me. My greatest wish is that we will all be together for your next birthday, and at least I am hoping to see your before many months are gone of this new year.

I have sent you dear, a parcel with wearing apparel, I will still get the watch if you just say the word.

So dearest, have a good birthday and know that there will not be one second, you will be out of my thoughts on that special day April 4th, May God grant you all happiness, in the very near future.

That was too bad about the Radio, pity you never took this one from here.

Had a grand letter from, Jeep with the snaps of you. both they are just grand, You sure are rapidly growing into Manhood but there I guess that will make you smile, seeing you are 22.

Jeepers seems to be having a good time, he is very releived to hear of Ritas engagement, and forthwith, asked my advice [?] an engagement to "Eleanor" it certainly seems to has made his mind up. Yet such a few days they had spent, but there, I am not that old, that I have forgotten, love needs no time, so all I can say is good luck to him, I'm sure going too swell daughters one day and I am hoping that day is going to be very soon

I guess you will be interested to know how I am progressing with my little [?], she is a real honey, a smile, and personality - plus such a lovable little thing, and I just love her, more so because dear, she is an adopted baby as her own mother parted with her at birth, and [Mc Morrow] have had her from 1 month old. so I feel, with again loving her adopted Mother, that she should be loved, and looked after by someone like me - that's just conceit on my part - but where others might just take her for a financial stand. I have just taken her because she needs real mothering. Have enclosed a couple of snaps not over good but when the weather is warmer, we can take some out of doors I am still taking that dictian course, because, one never knows how long, Mr. Morrow, will want me, so it keeps me busy.

Your slight description of your trips - or rather comments were interesting, even if they make a lump come in my throat, and a prayer from deep in my heart, for your safety. If only this War, would end how little we would ask, if only we were together once again Wordly things count so very little when loved ones are apart, but its chins up dear and there will be a smile waiting for your, when ever that may be.

So my dearest, I will say Good night - God be with you and Bryan give hem a big handshake from me to convey my love

A big birthday hug + kiss
From Lovingly Mums

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