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Date: April 28th 1942
Dennis Quinlan

No. 29
Thursday, April 28, 1942

Dearest Mum

I hope this writing isn't too bad but I'm at present in bed which isn't always conducive of the best efforts in penmanship, is it? Also it is Wednesday, really, being well after Midnite.

However, it's well over a week since I wrote last so I should get No. 29 on it's way, shouldn't I Mum? I was hoping for a letter from you any day now as I haven't had one since the first of April which is very unusual indeed. Fran's last letter was practically entirely devoted to her stay with you in Calgary Mums + from all she wrote she certainly seemed to have had a marvelous time + enjoyed herself tremendously.

It did make me feel ever so happy and I'm looking forward to your letter Mum, too! You certainly seemed to handle Mr. Chaplin easily enough. Frannie does need a break like that every so often.

My other Canadian mail consisted of a letter from Dad + another parcel from Charlie Lashbrook which I do think is ever so grand of him. So our Midnite tea parties are still going strong. Only to-nite we had tea, toast and peanut butter and date oatmeal cake just before bed time - bless our digestion's eh?

This last week has been quite a busy one for me really - it started off with a real swell 48 Hour Pass which I spent in London at Jerry Ings' home. He is one of my particular friends on the station here + certainly a real fine chap. He + his wife live in "Wandsworth Common" with her Mother + Dad + sister - they are all very, very nice people + made me very welcome indeed.

I made up the fourth with Jerry + Jean + her sister Pamela + we had a very enjoyable evening - went to see "The Man Who Came to Dinner" at the Savoy and afterwards dined + danced a bit at the Trocadero in Piccadilly.

While in London I visited Auntie Lilly at her shop - she was as cheery as ever. I also met Sally for lunch + we had a very good meal at Antoine's, a French restaurant in Tottenham Court Road. Both Sally + Auntie Lil were looking very well indeed - Sally has heard from her husband Ron + thinks he is in Lagos at present.

The latter half o fhte week I really put in a good deal of flying - so all told it was quite one of the most satisfactory weeks I have put in in England. It does seem strange at times that [censored….].

Things are definitely beginning to 'hum' now aren't they + I must say it's good [censored] at least in a few phases of the war. It does make one hope more expectantly for the ultimate end of it all - oh how I long for it.

Over a week ago I had a letter from Jeepers - he seemed to be quite enjoying himself at his Army camp except for the fact that he was broke - So I sent him 2 pounds which should easily see him through his temporary financial embarassment. Evidently he had been up to Upminster again for a day - I'm certainly looking forward to my next leave when I can see him once again.

By then, we should be well into the summer. Even now everything is green + fresh + several weeks of real lovely weather have only been marred lately by very high winds - even now, I can hear it snorting + blowing outside. Which makes my nice warm bed feel all the more comfortable!

[Censored] say nite-nite + sweet dreams.

I do so hope one of you letters arrives soon.

Oodles of love + kisses,


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