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Date: July 24th 1942
Alan Gill - (brother)
Leslie Gill

HMCS St Laurent
c/o FMO Halifax
July 24/42

Dear Old Boy

Seems to me it was about 3 months since I wrote you last. For that matter, I havent heard from you either. Think I wrote you one day and received a letter from you the next. Sort of simultaneous like. Maybe at this moment you are composing a manuscript to me. Note the new address, also use official number, so as to expediate delivery.

For six weeks now I have been aboard here, and must say that it is a vast improvement over anything I’ve been in yet in this outfit. Tons of work, but I have help and no interference and am happy as hell about the whole thing. There are three more Vancouver Island boys in the P.O.’s mess, and we get along fine together. Our coxswain, Yorkie [?rley] is from Up Island, somewhere around Nanaimo I think. Ginger Woods lives in the Gorge district and Ted Easton. We get together and chew the rag about good old Esquimalt and the pubs etc.

Other members of the ships company are from BC too but I don’t know any of them very well. One of our boys came from Lampon St, but I forget his name.

How did that gas-saver work out? Send me a description of it, I wont infringe on your patent rights. May be I can suggest improvements in design to facillitate manufacture. Very after a stupid guy (like you) designs a device that works very efficiently but is difficult to manufacture. Then a smart guy (like me) can use the same principle in simpler form that is easy to manufacture and works just as well. If you are having trouble let me know, and I shall be very pleased to apply my massive intellect to the problem. Also Im curious to see what kind of Boob McNutt device you have created. Lets have it.

How is Pop? Did he get away to Sombrio this summer. I asked Zora but she has no time to answer questions like that, just raves about young Alan. Hope he’s still struggling along and being smart. How many bonds did you have to buy? I got only on the $14.43 per month plan. It will be paid for by the end of September. $100 to help put Junior through college.

Have you seen my honey again? She wrote me that she went to see Pop once. I should have married that gal years ago, then I wouldnt have got to be such a tramp. Wouldn’t have lost the shop either, and might have had enough simoleons to help my brother Al enough to make the cafe pay. What happened to Hilda? Dead, I hope.

Bill and Ann are still doing well, I hope. By the way, remember last Christmas day we had dinner at Aggie’s? Her husband was Chief E.R.G. on here when I came aboard but has since been drafted off. He knew all about me and looked me up at once. Knows all about the family too. Quite a good guy. He expects to be home for leave soon, if you hear he is home make it a point to see him.

Something I was going to ask you. How are things out at the Royal Oak? Did you find out about the financial end of it? I would like to know that perpetuity is assured, also if we could get a marker. You and Bill and me could finance it Im sure. Find out and let me know.

They’ve just piped leave for 10.30. That means I can go ashore and go swimming, then drop in the local pub for two or three fast ones. It wont be more than two or three either, cause I am temporarily short of funds. Payday next week, soon I hope, this shortage of $$ interfered seriously with my drinking. Are they still making that good old Ranier beer in Victoria? Lay in a large stock against the day I come home, Next year this time I hope. Well adios amigo, dont forget the information I asked for,


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