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Date: September 25th 1943
Leslie Gill
Wanda Gill - (wife)

Loretto Hall,
Victoria, B.C.,
Sept. 25, 1943-


Gee I’m lucky! Got another card from my husband today. That’s the only reason I’ll be sorry when you settle down to work – have to resign myself to one letter or so a week. It’s so thrilling going down to lunch and finding something to tell me you love me – of course I know you do, but I do so like to be reminded of it – it’s so wonderful I can’t get over it.

I have moved again. The occupant of the room I was in comes back tomorrow, so I’m down in No.4 with Rose. Will only be here until Tuesday, when No.3 comes vacant. Then, when I have a room to myself, I can really settle down to packing.

Had fun tonight. Father Matte invited us up to his place to see a show – very good one too. About a dozen of us went – almost all the girls plus one or two boy friends – took ice cream and cake. First picture he showed was a “short” on glass making – one of the most interesting I’ve seen. Main feature was “A Chump at Oxford” – Laurel & Hardy – not bad, if one were a Laurel & Hardy fan!

Have really had quite a busy day – spent the morning moving and the afternoon wandering around town and then writing letters, so I’m fairly tired. Rose wants to go to sleep and so do I, so cheerio for now, darling. Don’t know how I’ll exist tomorrow – being Sunday I can’t get any mail, so I’ll spend all day wondering whether you love me or not. Hope there’s something to reassure me on Monday.

Night-night Dearest.

Sunday Night

My Dallin:

Came home early tonight just to write to you, but as I came in the door Bert hailed me – she and Olga had a couple of sailors and they wanted a sing-song. So there went all my good intentions and I’ve been banging on the piano for the last hour. However, it’s only 10.30 now, and that’s not too late for a sailor’s wife, is it?

Firstly, before I forget to tell you – don’t bother about the rubbers for Betsy. Mum and I saw some in Spencer’s yesterday so we bought them. They are just low rubbers, but will be better than nothing. Hope they are big enough – we got quite a large size.

Got the cake off to Marge yesterday, too. It was very well packed so should get there alright.

This is the twentieth letter I’ve written today. Not bad, eh? Got nearly all our “thank-you’s” off. In fact that’s just about all I’ve done today except for going to church. Went to 11 o’clock Mass this morning, and couldn’t help remembering that it is just 4 weeks since that first Sunday you were home and our banns were read. Can you remember that far back? Such a lot has happened since then, hasn’t it! And now I’ve been a grass widow exactly a week! Oh gee! Let’s call off the war, darling, and start living like normal human beings.

The annual Novena to the “Little Flower” started today. Think I’ll try to make it – it’s years since I have done, but there’s really no reason why I shouldn’t this year, being a lady of leisure. And I’ve so much to ask for, and also to be thankful for. Shall I ask for a family? I think I will – I want it more than ever now, I’ve had time to think things over.

Tonight after church Mum invited Pat, Naomi and me over to her place for a cup of tea. She has fixed her room up as a housekeeping room now – got all her China out and is as happy as can be. I think it’s a good idea. I was worried at first because she was going to take the room you had as well, and it would have been too expensive as well as a lot more bother than she wants. But I helped her move her stuff around and she decided that the one room will be big enough, so that is just swell. She is still very jumpy and jittery, but we’re managing to keep things fairly smooth, so don’t worry.

I knew there was something else I had to tell you. I met Babe Derman (Gleason) on the bus the other day. She was very affable and looked very well. Said she had intended asking us out there while you were home, but by the time she found out where we were staying you had gone! I may call and see her before I leave.

This is getting fairly long, but I can’t mail it yet. Too soon. Guess I’d better leave it open until tomorrow. May be a letter for me, from my husband. Oh boy! I can sleep on that thought, so good night my dearest.

I love you.

Sept. 27th

Hi-ya, Husband:

I’m afraid you have a very extravagant wife. Tonight the Mission Auxiliary had a dinner here, and the drawing for that $50.00 you had some tickets on (incidentally, you didn’t win anything – neither did anyone else here!) Anyway, I invited Mary Pearce to be my guest at the dinner. Afterwards we went to the Novena, and after church we met Pat and Yvonne just going to a show, so we went too – the Plaza – “39 Steps” and “Sanders of the River” – both very good. What I was getting at is that, after we’d had coffee and seen Mary onto the bus, I’d spent quite a bit of money. You’ll have to forgive me, though. We owe Mary for quite a lot of suppers and swell times!

Such a nice letter from you today, posted at Nakina, Ont. Darling, I’m afraid I’m going to have to be disobedient for the first time since we’ve been married (I think!) You say I’m not to be disappointed if you don’t get leave at Christmas – I get disappointed every morning when I wake up and find you’re not here, and I’ll be terrifically disappointed if I don’t see you by Christmas. However, I manage to recover and be quite happy every day, so I guess I’ll do the same about any other set backs. So please quit worrying. I’m too busy to stay depressed for very long, and as you say, it just can’t be as long as last time – if it is I’m going to build me a raft and tow along behind the ship – I just can’t stay away that long!

Got our wedding cake cut up today, and nicely boxed. Haven’t addressed the boxes yet – that will be tomorrow’s job. There’s quite a nice chunk left for Zora, and the top small tier is still uncut. It has kept very well and looks too pretty to cut now – let’s save it for our first anniversary. Of course, if a christening comes along first, we can use it then!

Remember my boast that nobody can ever sneak into a room without waking me? Rose came in last night and even moved the lamp from right beside my bed, and I didn’t know anything about it. I must be slipping – will have to stop that or you’ll be able to sneak in at any hour, and that will never do. Just realized, I don’t possess a rolling pin – will have to rectify that!

Really must get some sleep – it’s way past midnight and I want to get up for Mass tomorrow.

So cheerio darling.

All my love,

Tuesday – Sept. 28th
9.30 AM.

Remember 4 weeks ago today, darling? Just exactly at this hour! That sure was a wonderful day wasn’t it? I thought I loved you then, but honestly I love you more every minute. I’m so awfully glad you’re my husband and not anybody’s else.

Your wife

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