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Date: September 8th 1941
Dennis John

No. 6

Monday, Sept. 8.

Dearest Mum -

I haven't got an awful lot of news to tell you again this week. Things have been quiet all week, our course goes on but it's very seldom that we ever work too hard - in fact never! Have put some few hours in the air, some of them at night which was quite an interesting experience - England certainly looks blacker from the air than it does from the ground!

Am feeling very well, the meals are extra wonderful as usual and to date I have been off the station once in two weeks the main reason being I suppose that our pay still hasn't come through our bank.

However what with night flying + writing letters my evening are well taken up, not to mention a half hour or so of strenuous exercise every day, playing squash.

Last week I receive no Canadian mail but had one letter from each of my four sets + aunts uncles + cousins so I can very easily see where my correspondence is going to be harder to keep up with than ever!

My first Canadian letter arrived to-day Mum, a lovely long one from Fran, mailed on Aug-7. She said she had received two lovely letters from you + certainly I am looking forward to some too!

I have a feeling though that this next week will be a good one for mail - hope so anyways.

It's funny for Auntie Brie had a letter from Dad + Auntie Flo in which they said my cable had arrived - I'm glad it got there so promptly.

I am mailing this to the Braimar Mum though I do hope you have been able to straighten out the business of the suite - I liked that so much.

Fran tells me that Dick is in Calgary instructing on Tiger Moths - have you seen him yet Mum? Sure would be something if Bryan could get to the same school eh?

Goodness Mums I seem to have so very little news to tell you, especially without a letter to answer, that this must be a very dull letter indeed.

Still I do like to know that you will receive a letter from me every so often and even a few lines are wonderfully good reading when they travel as far as they do, aren't they Mum?

Things are still very quiet over here - all eyes of course being forward at present on the Russian campaign + on U.S.A. It's really the most amazing country - to read the papers you would get the opinion that the country was one mass of petty bickerings + differences of opinion from end to end. A shopkeeper fined �10 for charging 1/2d too much for some lemons or some Lord so + so is fined �12,000 for keeping funds abroad; or the army wants better pay; the coal-miner wants more cheese; the WAAF wants cuter hats; the nurses want new uniforms - On and on it goes but above it all there is that indomitable courage + strength of purpose to see it through. Father, Mother + child all prepare grimly yet good - humouredly to dig in for another winter - but with unshakeable confidence in the ultimate conclusion.

Lord, I would tremble indeed to be among the enemies of such a country as this!

Night-night for now Mumsy darling - take care of yourself,

Oodles of love + kisses

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