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Date: August 17th 1941
Dennis Quinlan


Sunday Aug. 17, 1941

Dearest Mum -

As ever it's cold in your England here today but not unpleasant. Arrived at this new station early yesterday evening and since then of course have been getting settled down. We are here for several weeks and take another 'finishing' course which starts in a week's time. In the meantime we have been given a week's leave - something I have had just about enough of, strange as it may seem. I would far rather get down to work but I suppose I shouldn't object - am going to get into London I think + visit the rest of my many aunts & uncles.

We have been treated just splendidly ever since we landed in England and this station here is no exception. They certainly do go out of their way to make you feel at home and I feel positive that the few weeks' training here at least will be a wonderful experience. Am really looking forward to it!

We are at present in single rooms in a building which is only used to handle the overflow. The rooms are quite comfortable but not as handy or convenient as the more permanent ones to which we should be shifted in a week or so.

It's now Monday morning and as yet I havn't been able to get away - our pay hasn't come through the bank yet here + we are trying to arrange an advance to see us through the next week's leave.

I certainly am enjoying this seeing England though and am really looking forward to going back to London and 'exploring'!

Bournemouth was certainly a very lovely place and the few days I had there were real fine. We were invited to some tennis Club dance and sure had a good time at it. Indeed I do think the English have the faculty of entertaining themselves - they think more of pleasure and beauty and enjoying themselves far more than we bustling Canadians - even in these strange times. A good idea, I think!

So you might easily gather that I am just now on a few weeks holiday and bent on seeing as much of England as I can. It's amazing just how easy it is to travel especially with "CANADA" badges on your shoulders. That allows us to commit the grossest crimes of custom & society I suppose and get away with it - "well after all, he's only a colonial you know."

But I have been told that Canadian boys seem to have far better manners than English' - and that from an English girl too!

Out of all our bunch with whom we trained in Canada there are only two of us at present on this station - the other is a chap by the name of Bob Haggie + he is a real fine fellow. All the rest are spread all over England + Scotland and some are even still in Canada.

Things are very, very quiet over here right now - the lull before the storm perhaps - but I certainly am glad for the sakes of all these brave people over here. Any respite they can get will immeasurable strengthen them and God knows they must need it after what they have been through.

In case you are worrying about how we are fed Mums - though you shouldn't for I could stand a good deal of 'starving' - it really is wonderful considering our meals are far above anything that I ever ate in Canada + though there I didn't eat in the Officers' Messes naturally enough, I shouldn't imagine that even they could put our meals here to shame. I suppose this station here is one of the best - it has that reputation - but at any rate I do think their policy over here seems to be Air Force first + the rest afterwards!

Certainly wish I could hear from you Mums though I hardly expect to just yet, having moved around so much; I seem out-of-date with all the news already. Am wondering just what progress Bryan is making and also how Hagel's plans are shaping out. As Aunt Daisy + Uncle Jim are in Brighton now on their holidays, if I do go to London I will probably look up Auntie Lilly and Aunty Bry or Ab. As yet I'm still doubtful as to whether I will be able to go or not.

Hope you are feeling well Mums - keep you chin up - oodles of love + kisses


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