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Date: May 20th 1942
Dennis Quinlan

No. 31

Wednesday, May 20, 1942

Dearest Mum

Mail has been very scarce during the past two weeks but one letter I did receive was a very lovely one indeed. It was the one you wrote while Fran was with you in Calgary Mums and it did make me feel grand.

Saturday was the day it arrived and I would have answered sooner only I had another 48 Hour Pass beginning the next day. Seems a shame me getting all this leave & not be able to see you or Fran or anyone else at home, doesn't it Mum? Not that everyone over here doesn't try very, very hard to make my days off happy ones for they do.

However, I really have some amazing 'news' which I should tell you right away - I don't think I have mentioned it before. Bryan is now at a training station only a very few miles from here - very close to Grantham. About two weeks ago I was quite amazed to get a phone call in the Mess from him and find him so very near!

That certainly is a lucky break isn't it Mums? Naturally too, he is very thrilled at starting to fly again and he seems to be doing very well for his instructor is very pleased with him.

Naturally I have seen Jeepers several times since and only the other day he flew over & landed with his instructor. Previous to that he had come on one of his days off & spent some time on the camp - he come up with Johnny & me in our plane and Johnny took charge of him for Tea etc as he couldn't come in our Mess - which was to bad but Jeep didn't seem to mind. He thinks Johnny is a grand chap & in fact got on will with everyone.

At the time he was quite penitent over not having written home for some time but no doubt he has remedied that by now.

For my 48 I went up to London & stayed with Auntie Ab - they are all quite well but she is very worried, poor dear, because their present landlady wants them to move so that she can come back - it does seem hard luck too after they have just got settled, garden planted & all and houses seem practically impossible to find anywhere out Upminster way.

Auntie Ab & I dropped over to Upminster to see Brie & Gladys & they were all well

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