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Date: February 17th 1942
Dennis Quinlan

No. 23
Tuesday, Feb 17, 1942.

Dearest Mum.

Since I wrote my last letter a week ago Sunday I have been fortunate enough to get a few more days' leave and as a result was able to go down to Bournemouth and managed to see Bryan for a couple of days.

It was such a grand feeling and so natural to see and talk with him again - you can well imagine Mum how much we had to tell each other and he tried faithfully to deliver all your loving messages.

He was looking very fit and happy - the ever radiant Jeepers as ever - and we both have every reason to feel so proud of the 'Wing' he wears and the way he wears it. Bryan was with 'a fine' bunch of chaps judging from the few I met, two of whom I already knew from back home.

I think I was far more disappointed than he was at finding myself his 'superior officer' but as he himself is only too willing to admit, his age was definitely against his chances of receiving a Commission. Nevertheless, his will be a responsible position. I have no doubt whatsoever that he will prove very conclusively indeed his ability to carry it out with every success.

She seemed quite contented & satisfied and evidently was receiving excellent treatment - other than a not too pleasant boat-ride over!

We managed to spend a good few hours together - it made me feel every so happy to see him again Mum - and we had several snaps taken which no doubt one of us should be able to send soon.

I put him straight on all the relations & what-not he has to visit and evidently quite relieved his mind by informing him that Rita was contemplating an engagement over here to some chap! At least so I heard a few months ago. No doubt Jeepers was finding two pretty young maidens a bit of a problem! I rest assured he will solve it in his own [?] way.

Since arriving back on the station I have been rather busy, much to my satisfaction and even now despite the fact I 'lay abed' until Noon today, I still feel rather sleepy. And going to a 'flick' in Grantham this evening with a few of the chaps didn't help!

Still - and don't laugh - I think I shall perhaps get a few days' leave quite soon. We do work occasionally but it just so happens that things are breaking that way. At any rate, it should be a splendid opportunity for me to see Jeepers again before he gets too busy over here.
This past week I received a lovely letter & parcel from Fran, a letter from Monce and yesterday, your own very lovely letter of Jan.26. I did enjoy it ever so much Mum, it was really grand.

I also had a Valentine Card from Fran and honestly Mum that was my very first indication of Valentine's Card - her lovely card which arrived right on Feb. 14! I don't usually forget but I'm afraid that one is rather inclined that way over here these days. I do hope you bought some flowers Mumsy both for yourself & Fran on that day as it was also our 'anniversary' day! I do love to think of you getting those flowers not alone for Fran but also for yourself Mum each month. My every loving thought goes with them.

Fran's parcel was very acceptable as all 'goodies' always are over here; we manage to spend a good deal of time over here in our rooms and hardly an evening passes that three, four or five of us don't get together in somebody's room, prevail on the batmen to make us a cup of tea and have our evening snack and chat.

Fran included some peanut butter which I had especially asked for and so all I had to do was 'cadge' some butter and a loaf of bread off the Mess Corporal & the Cook which was quite simple. I think they have rather a 'soft spot' for 'us Canadians' - I remember asking one of the batmen jokingly the other day how he put up with so many Canadian 'types.' He quite seriously & confidentially replied - "You know, Mr. Quinlan I thinks we prefers 'em to our own blokes most of the times!"

Curious how I instinctively consider myself Canadian isn't it and yet with ever so close a tie to England and ever willing also to be known as a son of England? I am strangely thankful for being a 'Canadianized' Englishman - far preferable to being a 'thoroughbred' in either class! Don't I love myself eh?

So this week has been quite good for mail though I still have not heard from Dad for almost two months now which is very unusual indeed.

Again Mum, I must say how really interesting your letter was as always. I was ever so glad to know that you phoned Fran + that she promised to have her picture taken, finally - I have been looking forward to that for some time.

I am not sure whether I have all the 'gen' on this Dietician Course of yours Mum but it certainly sounds all right and even at the risk of appearing so 'cliched'in paying compliments, I will assure you that your cooking as far as I'm concerned needs no 'Course' to improve it! I only know that I would give a lot for a 'Mum-prepared' meal right now!

The people whom you met Mum, whose boy knew me at Sylvan Lake - I did not recognize the name you wrote but the only lad I remember real well who worked on the paper there from Calgary was a chap by the name of Pat Robinson. My regards to them anyways.

Am sorry to hear Col. Wannop has left Calgary - send him my very best wishes if you write him Mum. And the Canon too eh? Things must be moving, as you say.

And now Mumsy, I'm afraid your son must take his weary self to bed - at least not weary but sleepy. It is well past midnight and just before he prepares to drop off to dreamland he sends all his love and ever such a nice long hug & kiss.

God Bless you Mum,


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