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Date: April 13th 1915
Mother (Elizabeth Simpson)
Thomas Simpson
Newspaper Article

[Published in the newspaper The Ladysmith Chronicle, April 13, 1915.]


The Chronicle has been permitted to take the following extracts from a letter recently written by Thomas Simpson to his mother. It appears as if Tommy had received a wound, and his many friends will be pleased to learn that he has been promoted:

“DEAR MOTHER: – Just a line to let you know that I am still alive. I have had a little setback and have been in the hospital but expect to be out soon as it is nothing serious. I have received the first step in promotion as you may see by the lead line and am now a lance-corporal. The weather is not so bad over here now and is getting better all the time, and I guess there will be something doing soon.

“I received your letter and also a very nice one from Joe and you must thank him for it mother as I will not have much chance to do so.

“It is so good to get news from home. I never get the Chronicle any more and I would very much like to see it and know how things are progressing at home.

“I can’t tell you much about life in the trenches but it is not so bad and is quite safe from rifle fire. It is the shelling that makes it so bad, but it is worse for the other fellows these days.

“I will have a few things to tell you all if I get back all right.

“I wish this war was over so that a little more attention would be given to those who need it at home.

“Well I think I will close now, mother, hoping you receive this letter all right.

“Give my love to all at home and don’t worry about me, I remain with fondest love, your son,

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