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Date: May 24th 1918

May 24th 1918

My Dear Mar,

Well this is quite a different from the year we played croquet at 13 Gore. We weren't thinking about war then. Art Rutherford is killed and I don't know where Kenzie McIntosh is. Where are the Neugart[?] girls now?

The weather has changed today being wet and cold today. We had figured on having batt. sports today but I don't know whether we will have them or not. Had a field day yesterday and came in tired hot and hungry Have been playing whist this morning and as it is still raining I guess we will be doing the same thing this afternoon. Have been looking for the papers you sent me but they haven't turned up.

Well I guess we'll be taking a hike to another little village some of these days. I'm beginning to like this village fine especially the milk I'll be growing fat. Had a bombing raid on us the other evening, two casualities in our batt. This is the second one I've been in. We are away from shell fire now.

Just had a feed of chips and eggs (2) and all the chips I could eat for two francs.

Did I tell you that I have finally received a letter from Uncle Bob They have sent some maple sugar. I must answer their letter.


Had our hike yesterday and feel all right today. Didn't post this on account of moving and got a letter from you last night.

Are there many boys from the town working on the farms this year. Any girls.

Good for you for dropping out of the rehearsal business. Its too much.

Yes dear mother was upset on account of not getting the mail but I have managed to save up a supply of F.C[?].

What do you think of my paper. I carry it around in my pocket. I'll close for now on a/c of the shortage of paper. I am writing to mother now too.

with love

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