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Date: November 16th 1916

#2 Ward
Southwark Military Hospital
E. Dulwich

Nov. 13th, 1916

Dearest Fatty,

I think it must be about time for me to write and wish you very many happy returns of the day, and I hope this will reach you about the right time. I am having an excellent time here. I go to see Mov once a week, and I have seen Madge three times and meet her with Edith today again. We had one afternoon with Dorothy too. So you see I’m seeing lots of people. I hope to get 10 days leave in time and was planning to spend it with Mov at Oxford, but I’ve got to go to Chester as well, as Vi cannot get down, so it will rather split up my holiday. Winnie and I went to Albert Hall yesterday. Picture us charging up a hill 500 miles an hour not to miss anything and finding the show started ½ hr. later than we thought. She says she has heard from you, and that poor old Fenton has gone under and Murray is missing which probably means killed. I am very sorry poor Fenton has gone, though in this case Providence seems more sensible than say in Ernest’s. I am sorry about Murray too. I always liked him though I believe he was rather a rogue. I’m so sorry Fatty that I never wrote for J.E.‘s birthday.   I’m such a blockhead that I knew nothing about it till the day was here. I’ve at last got some Canadian mail – from Sadie and 2 from Gre written about Sept. 12th. Sadie had had a nasty fall. You do seem to have had a bad year out there, and I do hope old dear that things are alright with you and that neither of you are finding the work too hard to make life worth living. J. E. is certainly a fine looking chap. Gre sent me a photo of him and a nice one of you and Raymond in the buggy – also 2 or 3 typical Gre pictures, the backs of some Scholefield’s sheep, an appalling looking woman in riding breeches, and a row of potato vines! Mov is pretty well and Winnie looks very well and pretty. Hubert and Amy both look pretty poorly. Madge and Dorothy both looked very well. It was awfully jolly seeing them again, and last Wednesday Madge and I went to the Coliseum together and had a delightful afternoon. It seems rather rot, doesn’t it, that I should be having such a good time and Sadie so far away. Fancy I’ve been married nearly two years! A fine married life eh? However it’s all in the game. Edith is very well and in good spirits (she fills me with wonder at the rate she can talk!) Good old Rose is going strong and has made two trips up to see me, which I though fine of her. I am very nearly alright now and am just waiting till I get the use of my fingers. I expect I’ll be out of here in a week now. Well, old dear, a dull letter I’m afraid but I’m getting bombarded which is distracting! It’s dinner time now.

Ever so much love to you all

Your loving brother

Madge told me this afternoon that tomorrow is your wedding day, so as I hadn’t posted this letter I opened it to wish you very many very happy and prosperous returns of it.