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Date: June 18th 1916
Wifred Bury

No. 1 Convalescent Camp
Sunday, June 18th 1916

Dearest Mov

I am afraid this sheet of note paper which is yours has got rather dirty in my pocket! Thanks ever so much for 2 letters June 9th and 17th. I believe you must have post-dated the latter for I got it last night. That seems almost a miraculous speed after waiting about a week at least for letters from England – I think 10 days is the quickest I’ve ever received an answer up the line. Thanks too very much for the Observer but don’t send it any more till I go up again. Aldred saw my name in a Keble register some time ago and wrote to me, so when I came down here I wrote to him. Yes, what you say of Mrs. A sounds funny doesn’t it, but the sentiment is almost universal – among the men too. It’s only natural when you come to think of it that the men who are out of it “for the duration” and so to speak know the worst should be considered lucky by those who are left behind. Don’t worry about the “leave” The same problem has bothered me too, and I long ago decided on a plan of campaign for giving me the maximum of Boxley with a minimum of offence. You know where I’d sooner spend all the time, but we both know it can’t be done, unfortunately. I didn’t expect to be here today but I am. The next examination is on Tuesday – every Tuesday and Friday, so I expect to go out then as I think my finger is about as well as it will get – it’s wonderful the way it’s healed over. From here, I go to the Detail Camp and then on to Havre, I believe. I’ve had no news from up the line, I’m sorry to say. I would like to hear what’s happened to everybody. Yesterday we could see England! So near and yet so far! I gave Charley your address in case he felt like going to see you, but I doubt if he does, for he probably knows lots of people in England. I will send you a card if I leave here on Tuesday.

Ever so much love to you both


Wilfred Bury