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Date: May 14th 1941
Muriel Blair - (sister)
McCrea Blair Jr.

Gnr M.P. Blair H3628
18th Battery
2nd Anti Tank Regt
Can Army Overseas

May 14 1941

Dear Muriel

I received three letters from you to-day post marked April 4 and 5 - 8 - they were kind of late in comming as I have a couple of letters from you since then. Say you must be having a regular field day I have had five letters from you all written within a little over two weeks pretty good kid keep it up. Yes its spring time over here and you might call it summer it sure is nice and warm all the tree out and flowers blooming everywhere. Well we have air raids every night but they havent droped any bombs here for three or four month but I have been in London a few times and seen a lot

Glad to hear you are helping Dad you want to go down the office as much as you can and help him he really needs some one to help him. I received your pictures and I think they were swell I am send a couple as soon as I get the negative from this fellow and get some printed and when I get the camra mother is sending I will be able to send all kinds home. Glad to hear Pat arrived home safely I guess he is dam glad to be back the lucky stuff. Yes Liverpool has had a lot of bombing and I guess its in pretty bad shape. So little John dident remember his dad poor little kid he must be pretty by now. Well I sure hope Dads business is good this year I would like to see so much work that he can’t do it all he sure deservies it Glad to hear you got my litter of March 10 I have sent you quite of few since then hope you get them all. So you got fair bucks for helping Dad the sure was dam good of him but I know you earned it. Well I am glad to hear you are out of the W.A.C. and I don’t want to hear of you Joining them again because don’t ever get idea that you are coming over hear There are some Canadian A.T.S. girls over here now right near us I have been talking to some of them and they wished they had never come over you have no idea what it is like Well I am going on my leave on May 19 that is Monday and I can tell you I am going to have a good time but I will write and tell you all about it in fact I will drop you a note while I am on my leave in Scotland. Well I promise you I will send you lots of pictures when I get my camra. but I want you to send me one of you but you will have to have it taken at a Studio kind of a portrait one I can sit on a mantle piece how about doing that for me kid. Say you tell Elaine Swanson for me I am note going to write her again till I hear from her maybe she has answered my letters and they were lost I don’t know but tell her to write anyhow.

Well kid its look like I am out of words for just now but will write again soon so be a good kid

Much love

Original Scans

Original Scans