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Date: December 2nd 1917
Dad – (Edwin Davis)
Worth Davis

No. 41,

Eastbourne 2/12/17.

Dear Dad,

Well, we are still here, at least most of us, Advance party left yesterday and I believe more are to go to-morrow. You may imagine that there is a good deal of excitement all the time, and, not a great deal of work being done by the old staff, but the new has taken over pretty much everything. Capt Brock has returned, and will go with us, while Lieut Coates (Montreal) who has been acting in his absence, will continue to be L.M. of No. 14 Can. Gen.

We have had no mail for a little while, and will not likely get any till we are settled in the new home, and I can’t say just when this will be.

That is some stunt of the Americans, putting a war tax on manufactures of jewelery.

You have no doubt seen the good work the Imperials have been doing during the past week or two. To-day the Fritz has broken thro slightly, but they will hold him, and no doubt get Cambria. In addition, they have apparently relieved the pressure on the station front.

The last letter I have from you, is the one written just as you were going to London, and you see it was written over a month ago, since then I have had no word, but hope that you are much improved now, and able to look after the trade.

Well it is tea time, and I must be at it. Am well and happy, and everything is going jake.

Your affectionate son,


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