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Date: November 13th 1916
Wife & Daughter - (Ellen & Hughina Burnett)
Francis Burnett

Bramshott Camp
Nov 13th 1916

My Dear Wife and Sweetheart

Sorry to have to write and tell you that my pass to London was canceled again, and Im ordered to France tomorrow that is if they dont cancell it between now and then. Ed Bowles was here yesterday to see me, and he looks fine I told him that I would go and see him but I dont think I’ll get a chance now, we are six miles apart and Im not allowed out of camp on account of being on this draft for France, they picked ninety (90) men out of the western Irish and said we have picked the best to go and hold up our reputation, so if thats any consulation to you well all right, Ill write again if I dont go and tell you. Now Kid you need not get downhearted, because you know that I always said that their never was a german that could kill me and I still believe that. If you would let Bert read this letter I would be much obliged because Ed told me yesterday that Burt wrote to me well I never got it. and I wrote to him six weeks ago did he get it? if not this letter will answer in place of it. Ed was sorry that Alf and Dankin did’nt come over with him so I guess I wont see them. They are both well anyhow. I sent a post card to Bert and Jack and Ed wrote on them I also sent two to you and one to Sweetheart they are good one’s I also sent a badge to Sweetheart, let me know whether you get them or not. I did not get your letter this week and, that is since I wrote the last one, so cant answer any questions you might have asked me, Say kid dont bother sending me any more socks for a while, I have plenty, but you might send me some chewing tobacco when you can, I gave Ed a chew of MacDonalds yesterday and he said it was the first since he landed in the country, I was sorry that I could’nt spare him a plug but I only had one left. Say kiddo this maybe rushing the season but in case this letter is delayed Im wishing you all a merry Xmas write soon same address and be good from your loving husband and side kicker

to sweetheart from Daddy boy.
in haste, I have to pack my kit tonight

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