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Date: May 18th 1917
Father – (Edwin Davis)
Worth Davis


Dear Dad,

How the time does fly, the weeks seem like days almost. A week yesterday and it will be a year since I enlisted.

Things are pretty much the same here. Not too busy, having a good time and getting plenty to eat.

I was out for a walk on Monday eve, stayed in Tuesday. Wed. Begg & I went for a walk to a play last night, a baseball game to-night, but will be home & in bed early. It is very light here till 9.30 now and dusk at 10.00 This makes a fine long evening.

Did I tell you that Evans is to or has taken charge of Shorncliffe Military Hospital? This is just below Moore & built on the side of the hill. It is a few hundred yards along the hill.

Mail of the 24th & 25th of April is coming in now, but all I have is a notice from Dr. Mc Queen.

Recieved cable O.K. Thanks, I did not really mean you to cable this, but I guess it is safer and surer. I don’t know yet, when my pass will be put thro. When I get my instruments, I will do a little work for my own information as well as giving Capt. Henderson a hand when he is overly busy.

Glad you got the P.S. for ink, but do not believe Jap. can touch Staffords. Write a few lines with each & put it out where the sun & rain can get at it for a week, letting it dry for 24 hours first. I am quite sure you will find no trace left of the Jap. It also will throw more sediment & has not such a good cold. Staf. is sure a terrible price now. That was a good buy of Waterman’s that time. Wish we had twice as much tho.

Had no idea you were putting up such a good place at the back of the house, but sure think it a good idea. If you put cement foundation from basement up, it sure is cheap at that price.

Have broken my watch glass again & they are scarce as hen’s teeth over here too.

They are making a final clean-up of all available men here and even “C” class will be sent to France for duty behind the lines.

If the weather is decent to-morrow, I will spend the afternoon in Pevensey. There is a fine old ruined castle & the first mint in England.

Your affectionate son,

[note added by Worth’s mother:]

Friday noon


Just a note. Heard [?] [?] – Glad of the change – Hope you will be careful& not do anything – Think you do take to many chances no more letters this week from Worth, all well – Nerta is going down on a shopping expedition this afternoon [?] town- Tara Waller comes home on holiday to-morrow – Flora Pollard accepted [?] in a hurry [?] [?] Sunday.



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Original Scans
