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Date: March 22nd 1917
Keith Winterbottom - (brother)
Sydney Winterbottom

France, Vimy
March 22, 1917

Dear Keith:

Thanks for the jake letter you sent and which I have not answered for so long. Well old sport it seems funny to have a brother as old as you and believe me it brings home the fact that we will all soon be wise looking old cronies. I forgot all about your birthday so will wish you a many happy returns and many more to come. Also please tell Mom to hand over 2 bucks to you out of my next assignment of pay as a little remembrance. Don't forget now.

At present we are billeted in a well aired shed in which the French owner usually stores his farm machinery--pretty bum machinery. We have spread a good layer of straw on the ground so manage to sleep warmly in spite of the abundance of fresh air which comes in every where.

We often see German aeroplanes which are always driven off. Gee though they fly at an awful height. Just a tiny speck in the blue sky.

I guess Kamloops is beginning to show signs of spring weather now, just enough to make a fellow feel good.

I almost got a snipers job the other day. In fact I was a sniper for one day but couldn’t keep the job as they wouldn't let me out of the gun section.

I haven't heard from home for 3 weeks.

So long old boy for the present. With lots of love,

Your loving brother,


[Editor’s note: Transcription provided by collection donor.]
