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Date: January 16th 1917
"Non" (John Winterbottom - brother)
Sydney Winterbottom

Jan. 16, 1917

Dear "Non"

I'm so sorry I did not write to you before but here goes anyway.

Do you kill many Germans these days? Because you just want to, if you don't they get in the way --Har! Har!

I sent some trench mud in Joans letter. She wants to wet it and work it up in her fingers. It is just like glue. We just love it here. In fact we hardly ever go anywhere without packing it around on us. We eat lots of it too--can't help it

The other day I saw a rat licking up mud like you do sugar. Gee! I hope he got sick. I am getting parcels from home pretty regularly now. It is certainly great to get things too. Over here it is frosty in the mornings here and muddy in the afternoons. I guess it is frosty home too, eh!

What reader are you in now? Have you caught "Gargy" yet

Write sometimes little brother. Your letters make me laugh.



[Editor’s note: Transcription provided by collection donor.]
