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Date: April 7th 1916
Dad - (Arthur Winterbottom)
Sydney Winterbottom

[stationery letterhead of “Y.M.C.A.”]

April. 7, 1916

Dear Dad.

We moved to the Willows, in Victoria today most of us having started the day by rising at four in the morning.

I have just phoned up Helen and Adrian and I shall visit her tomorrow afternoon.

We had a beautiful trip over from Nanaimo. You could hardly wish for more beautiful scenery anywhere. We past over several tressels spanning gulches quite a hundred and fifty feet in height.

Most of the street-cars I have so far seen bear large posters in front which urge the men to join the C.M.R’s and serve their king and country – Cursed fools who do.

We are all very sorry to leave Nanaimo It is certainly a friendly little place. Everyone seemed only too glad to help a soldier. Quite a crowd saw us off. Everyone we passed going out of Nanaimo waved us as we passed. I dont suppose you could find a more friendly place anywhere. It was rather funny when we left because we were solemnly forming fours with our spurs on. On the way down the fellows a good part of the time sang, to the tune of “Tom Browns Donkey” – Tommy and McHardy went to get recruits, Tommy and McHardy went to get recruits Tommy and McHardy went to get recruits – But they never got a ___! ___! One.

I am scrawling this in the soldiers Y.M.C.A. which possesses several good writing tables.

Write when you can old man and write a large hand

Your loving son
Sid W

Original Scans

Original Scans
