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Date: November 21st 1915
Mum - (Jennie Winterbottom)
Sydney Winterbottom

Connaught Barracks
Nanaimo B.C.
Nov. 21, 1915.

Dear Mum.

Thanks for your letter also thank Keith for his.

Please tell Keith that he will have to grow before he can lick me, as I now weigh (151lbs) and stand a little over five foot nine.

Good Aunt Daisy sent me a fine hand knitted pair of khaki socks and some Peters milk choc for my birthday.

I did not write lengthy letters home the other day as I was in a hurry because I had more than one letter to write.

Well, Nanaimo has a very wet climate so far. For the past week it has rained all morning and turned sunshiny in the afternoon. I will say this however that when you get a good day it is glorious for the weather corresponds in a way to spring in Kamloops. But let me tell you about the barracks. This consists of a large building two stories high. In the basement are three nice hot and cold water baths together with two rows of washing basins also supplied with hot and cold water. There are also about eight up to date flush toilets. This basement also contains a furnace (hot air) for the entire building. The next floor up is used as a big dining hall. It has four long tables off which the boys violently devour their grub. This floor also contains certain regimental offices. You next go up a flight of stairs. You are now in another hall. This hall is lined with the mens sleeping outfits. Just to one side of this muddle is our canteen. Part of the profits from this regimental canteen go to supply us with extra food.

The barracks are surrounded by the grounds. There are two entrances to these grounds. Before each entrance is a sentry. On one side of the main entrance is the orderly room on the other the guard room. At the end of these grounds are the stables consisting of two long low red buildings and also the barracks of the 104th home guards.

It is rather interesting to be in the stables now as they are clipping the horses by a little machine. You see a stout looking horse go up. When the hair has been clipped he looks rather cold and uncomfortable. In order to keep the horses quiet they usuilly use a twitch. Thats all for the barracks.

Nanaimo is surrounded on one side by water on the other sides by very pretty evergreens. You see cedar, balsam, tamarack, ferns, and moss growing like so many weeds. The city itself wouldn’t look so bad if it wasn’t for the awfully crooked streets.

Yesterday afternoon I had one of the most enjoyable times for many a day. I, Adrian and Archie hired a swell little row boat for two hours and rowed around the harbor. We went into one little bay in which was the remains of an old ship which had run ashore on fire. There are some very quaint japanese shacks round there. Well, we then returned the boat and went to a dandy little supper at a little restaurant Archie found for us. Here I played a few tunes on a piano. While we ate the waitress started a great big phonograph and we ate to music. This cost us (50¢) each. We then went to the picture show. This picture show contains a monster pipe organ which is played to perfection by a man. We next left the picture show and did some shopping. I bought a mandolin instructor. We then played three games of pool and came back to barracks.

I will write again Mum. If you are ever pressed for money dont hesitate to let me know. If you dont let me know more about home I shall forget what it is like.

Lots of love to you all.

[postscript added to top of first page:]
P.S. Please give my love to good old Dad and tell him that I shall not be able to have that trip after all.

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