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Date: April 1918

Apr. 1/18 -
Myriad of our planes over all night Aerodrome just back of us. Rode to St Catherine to H.Q. 13th field ambulance. Went up to forward H.Q. - a queer [unreadable/missing] in the open - our artillery very active all night. Bill Abbott went up into No-Mans-Land to locate a battery of deserted 18 pounders.

Apr. 2/18 -
Yesterday one German airman shot down 4 of our observation balloons. Made rounds of battery positions then went up to locate R.A.P. suggested by 5th C.D.A. - a most outlandish place a.16, d. 8.8.

Apr. 3/18 -
Johnson & I (M.O. of 13th brigade) went up and located a conforming R.A.P. at almost a.23, d. 9.9. Visited 66th, 61st & 58th rear lines - borrowed a mount from the 66th to reach the “daring” rear in time for supper.

Apr. 4/18 -
Made rounds of battery waggon lines & visited 5th C.D.A. to see Stanton about R.A.P. H.Q. is a most wonderful dug out - a regular under ground town of offices about 100 feet down.

Apr. 5/18 -
Called on some civilians with Padre McPherson. Rode back to Brigade H.Q. at Roulincourt & visited 66th battery positions. I killed & 3 wounded in 61st.

Apr. 6/18 -
Made rounds of gases & went to 66th & 61st wagon lines. Spent evening talking over college days with Dr. Johnson of 13th brigade.

Apr. 7/18 -
Battery positions all visited. In pm visited 66th & 61st rear and 8th Field Ambulance at Aux Ritz corner.

Apr. 9/18 -
We put on 2 raids last night (forward gun fired 300 rounds). I hope “Betty” [his horse] survived up in the forward position and Nesbit who is looking after him. Visited the batteries and nearly got lost in dense fog. Hun shelled about 15 yrds. from us this pm. Our waggon lines shelled with 2 casualties in 58th.

Apr. 10/18 -
McDaniels killed through the night at rear lines. Garland had second house shot from under him - had to send him to hospital with shock. A shell just in front of me, high velocity, tore off a big Elm near the ground - clean!

Apr. 11/18 -
Went to waggon lines again - both lines west are unhealthy these days due to bad weather & the shelling. Had lunch with ‘Pay’ at their hut north of La Targette - word of a move up for the waggon lines.

Apr. 12/18 -
Brigade moved from Rochincourt sector to Neuvalle St. Vaast sector. War news bad - Huns advancing to North & South

Apr. 13/18 - Blowing a perfect gale the last day or two - they say this part of France is noted for higher winds.

Apr. 14/18 -
Angus & I took our lunches & started around to battery positions - very scattered & a very badly cut up country. The 60th & 58th on Vimy Ridge just where it descends toward Arras, near monument to fallen Canadians.

Apr. 16/18 -
Still more Trench Nephritis in the brigade - a serious thing. ‘Pay’ & I went up to the Patricia Crater blown by the 172 [Tunneley Cr.?] & stormed by the Princess Pat’s Dec. 1917.

Apr. 17/18 -
Motored to Aubrique with Capt. Richardson & ‘Pay’ then to Camblain Abbey then walked to Monut Eloy. The ruins at ST. Eloy most interesting - the old cathedral 1734, partially ruined in 1870, now most picturesque on hill top.

Apr. 18/18 -
In morning visited all rear positions & in afternoon all forward positions. Returning by way of the Crater, noticed at the foot, a number of human bones lying about in the old trenches .

Apr. 20/18 -
Cpl. Lewis killed at 60th - splinter severed femoral artery.

Apr. 22/18 -
Brownie & I went over to Capt. Richardson’s for dinner. Heavy bombardment commenced - we went up on MontSt. Eloy hill to observe.

Apr. 25/18 -
Visited all guns & snipping sections - had to take to earth a few times on account of shelling. Had lunch with 60th, tea with Thompson & Virtue at sniping site in Vimy Village. Had game of bridge but allot of arguments with 3 others, on the velocity of falling splinters from archers.

Apr. 26/18 -
Started directing letters to Edna in Victoria as she leaves Saskatoon May 1.

Apr. 30/18 -
Having considerable difficulty over dental treatment in the brigade. Went to see D.A.D.M.S. 4th division & O.C. Field Ambulance. Rained hard all day - called up to 58th to see John Helmcken & Whitcombe.


[Editor’s note: Transcription and transcription annotations provided by collection donor; minor formatting changes have been made to layout and to clearly mark transcriber’s annotations.]