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Date: August 8th 1944
Jean Latham
Frank Latham

P/O FW Latham
J41740 116 Sqdn.
Sydney, N.S.

Dear Jean.-

Received your very welcome letter yesterday. Glad to hear you are all faring okay. and not getting into mischief or anything like that. I have been a very busy boy lately we went to Moncton last Thursday afternoon to pick up an aircraft there and we couldn’t get back until Saturday evening because the aircraft wasn’t ready. Cab Calloway’s band was playing for a dance at eh Moncton station that nite so we took it in. but was it ever hot all the time we were there and me wearing my blues! we got home Saturday nite in time to get shined up for a big parade Sunday morning for the Govenor General When we came off that parade they opened the bar in the mess and we proceeded to get quite drunk and then I was awakened at ten to four this morning for a flight and we didn’t get back until supper time to-nite and was the air ever rough to-day I got sick as a dog. along with the rest of the crew. So tonite I am going to retire very early but I thought I had better drop you a line before I went to bed. I had a letter from mother also I suppose I should write her but I guess that will keep until to-morrow I have the day off. I think this card you sent me should work for Gary’s birth certificate I’ll see to-morrow. You will certainly have to be careful you don’t catch a cold and darling don’t bleed to death its about time you quit don’t you think? So you only have two more payments to make on your victory bonds I guess that is all I have left too. We will have to try and get another $100 more between us on the next one that will give us about 600 cash and I see smelters are up over $50 now we should have a down payment for a house of some kind. If the war lasts another year we should be better off financially anyway then we ever were my F/O comes due on the 13th of this month although it usually doesn’t come through for about 3 months but then back date the pay its only another 75¢ a day but it all helps.

Well darling I guess that is all for now write soon love and kisses


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