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Date: August 6th 1919
Agda Johnson
Harry Fielder

The Farm
(Galicia land)
Sandy Lake.
Aug 6th ‘19
9.30 p.m.

To- Her Royal Highness
The Postmistress

Dear Madam

I have the honor to inform you that there has been great delay and anxiety in the transit of mail between here and your office, and unless some steps are taken to make immediate improvement I shall be forced to hold a severe investigation, personally and what has the postmistress to say about this? I think I’ll have to deliver my own mail in person or institute a system of delivery by areoplane. I entrusted two letters to be mailed to you last night. Did you get them, How is every little thing Sweetheart? Are you quite all right. I think there must be some mail from you in town, and I am just crazy to go for it but can’t get away. I am fine. Went to Smith’s dance last night. There was a dandy crowd there, but I did not enjoy myself particularly. Got back at 2.30 this morning, was up at 7 am and hard at work all day till 7pm putting up hay and now it is 10pm and I don’t feel tired. How’s that? Think I am improving as a farmer I think I’m doing jake, but say- when I am a real farmer will you let me walk around all day with shoe-packs on, no socks and the lace of one shoe trailing a yard behind since noon? That’s what the real farmer here does.

Oh Kiddie I shall be glad when the end of the month comes and I shall get to see you again. It’s only two more weeks now. I hope you won’t mind waiting for your ring till then. Will you? I’ll be brief tonight and say Good Bye, the tired man has to get up early in the morning. Good night my Queen.

Yours ever
much love

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