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Date: December 13th 1914

Castlegar B.C.

My dear Arthur

I was so very sorry to hear you are having to go into the hospital to undergo an operation. You may be quite sure you have my sympathy. I am thinking of you all the time and wondering how you are progressing and wishing I could come and see you. Still it is a comfort to know you are where you will get the very best treatment and I am glad you like the Sisters who nurse you so much. "Cheer up the time will soon pass.".

I had a nice long letter from Auntie Nell and she was saying how much she would like to see you if you can obtain leave when over in the Old Country. In the last letter from Walter he said he was going into Regina the next day to see if they would let him enlist. He said he could not settle to anything until he had tried.

Walter says they are forming a Glee Club in Foxleigh this winter and he has joined, and is taking singing lessons from Auntie Connie.

George Annable was down here and spent a couple of days with us. He had great times teaching the girls to dance. The very latest is the Five Step. He is quite a nice boy I think. He took back the team of horses and Oxen for the winter.

We are having quite severe weather for B.C. just now it has already registered 21 degrees of frost.

Do you remember Jack Cleeton, Lances friend. He was married a short time ago and he and his wife came and spent two days of their honeymoon withe the Appletons. Needless to say Lance brought them to call on us. Last week I went and spent two days with Mrs. Lawrie and took my Pen. Painting along. Mrs. Lawrie and Mrs Hoggs both learnt how to do it. We had quite a lot of fun over it. Since we all seem to be writing to you at the same time I think I will close lest you should get tired of reading the same news over and over again.

How are you off for things to read? Do you have lots of magazines? If not let me know I might be able to send you some if you will let me know what you would like. I hope you will meet with nice kind friends now you are so far away from us all. I am sure you deserve the best; if only in return for all the kind things you used to do for me.

I hope you will soon be about again and will take the greatest care not to over do yourself when you first get about. I expect you will be getting letters from all your friends at Xmas. I shall hope to send a few lines again so as to reach you for Christmas. It will be nice when you are allowed to write letters once more, but do not feel obliged to answer mine as I always hear news from mother and I know you have so many letters to answer.

Good-bye, God bless and keep you
Your loving Auntie
F.A. Clark

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