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Date: November 17th 1944

Midland, Ont.,

Nov.17, 1944

Dear Ma Pa & Ruth:

Just a few lines to-night to let you know that I am alright and that I hope you are all alright too. To-day I didn’t receive any mail at all, so to-morrow I will probably get two letters from you all and Rubert. Neither Larson or Peterson got any mail either so the Air Mail is held-up. I hope you are getting our mail okay these days.

To-day has been another mild day, and to-night it is raining out. We sure are lucky that there hasn’t been any cold either yet. I hope you are having nice weather at home these days. To-day Peterson and myself made an appointment with the dentist to-day. We are going to see him this coming Tuesday. I have one tooth that needs filling, so I thought I might as well get it filled. One good thing is wont cost me anything to get my teeth fixed.

To-night I am going to go to the show here. There is a double header on, one of the pictures is a “Hopolong Cassidy” picture. The other is a musical picture but I dont know the name. I didn’t go to the show last night. I went down town and mailed my letters to you and Rubert. I had a cup of coffee and then went into a Drug store and bought a “Star weekly” and a Movie magazine. When I got back to the house I washed my hair with “Pine Tar Soap” and then wrote a letter “Dane Ogilvie”. After finishing his letter I read the “Star Weekly” and the Movie magazine and then hit the hay about eleven-thirty. Peterson went to the show here with “Lau” last night. I would have went too but I had seen the same picture the night before. To-day a couple of prisoners escaped from the jail in “Barrie” so “Lau” is down there to-night. Larson has a cold so he stayed in last night and I think he will be staying in to-night too. Any-ways it looks like a good show on to-night so I think I will go and see it.

I was in to see if Rubert would have any time going home by way of Toronto, travelling C.N.R. I sounds like Rub would take at least 12 hours longer to get home if he went by way of “Toronto”. I have been thinking that maybe Rubert would rather go home the shortest way then maybe he could go back by way of “Toronto” and I could see him then. I will mention this to Rubert too in my letter to him to-night and then he will be able to do what he thinks best. He will have an awful long trip home, and I know he will want to get home just as quickly as he can. From what the fellow told me Rubert would be inn ”Toronto” from morning to night if he went that way. I believe Rubert will travel C.N.R all the way because it is only the C.N.R that travels from “Halifax” to “Shelbourne”. To me I would give anything to be able to see Rubert again. It sure seems a long time now since I last saw him here. I sure hope Rubert gets his leave alright and that they give him lots of travelling time. It will take him between 5 9 6 days to make the trip.

Well Ma Pa & Ruth there sure isnt very much news to-day so I’m afraid this letter will be kind of short. I will have to stop here, so hoping again that you are all okay I will stop here and write again to-morrow.

Love to you all


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