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Date: February 2nd 1944

Feb 2nd 1944

M.P.O 620

Winsor N.S

Dear Darlin Ebbie:

Thanks for the swell letter, it’s the very first one since over two weeks, no letters from home yet, but I know now that everyone must be O.K. at home or you would know all about it. that relieves me a lot believe me! It didn’t take your letter very long to get here either, its stamped from 31st 9.30 A.M. and this only Wednesday the 2nd of Feb and 6. oclock P.M. I sure wish the folks letters would get here like that. There’s a Gunner Hollett here too, and have a sneaking suspicion that he’s getting some of my mail However I reckon I’ll soon hear from them just in case I dont how about you telling them that I’m O.K to but haven’t heard from them, for some time (two weeks to be exact) ask them if they are mailing to the right address is. F11177 Q.M.S. Hollett W.S. #1 transit Camp; acadia, Barracks M.P.O. 620. Winsor N.S., in fact maybe if you were to send them my address they might be able to get one to come this way. Ten chances to one they are getting pretty disgusted by now hearing that I’m not receiving any mail from them, so I think I’ll drop the subject as of now. (Nuff said)

Well Kid regarding the invitations we didn’t have enough nerve to accept them so we are still out in the cold we did go to a party the following Friday night in the church hall, which turned out to be a dance, you can guess how I got along there, like a country hick at the “Brown Derby” I helped wash the dishes after; which was more my line.

I guess the only way I’m going to be able to hang onto my crown it to go back to Court Defence, which I certainly will not do if I can help it In fact I believe I’d desert first. Although Camp Borden is still not out, I cant say where we will go nor when.

Talk about cold Kid you never saw such cold as what were having down here, I saw an officer this morning with his chin frozen, I guess, he’ll have a painful night of it. The wind howled all day and there’s half an inch of frost on most of the windows Cold! Well I guess!

I’m glad you and Agnes are pulling together so well, there’s nothing like a good pull to help you when Homesickness etc start to have there effects, going to church besides being good for the soul also relieves the boredom doesn’t it? I think you gave Agnes the right advice, because most hasty marriages are not successful as we regard successful marriages.

I’ve got things systemized here now and don’t have to work half nor quarter as hard as I used to, I told you in a former letter how I felt about Grannie’s Death as there’s No use rehashing that. Whats done is done.

Please stop calling me good looking, it just makes me feel like a Dam fool.

Well Kid Cheerio and Pip!Pip!


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