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Date: January 2nd 1918

B.E.F. France

Jan 2nd1918

Dear Sister & all:-

I have just received two letters from you folks, one from Mother dated Nov. 26th and one from you dated Nov. 28th, as usual I was very glad to hear from you all and it is certainly very lucky that Father and Herb are able to get so much work and such good money too.

Yes Mother I always thought Herb would be a big man and as you say he was always ready to do his share around home but I would like to see him at some other work where he would earn his living easier, and there should be lots of chance for a young fellow there now. but if he gets to working for big wages even at the heavy work he will be like I was, and that is, not want to give it up to go and work for smaller wages wh for a while where he would have a chance to learn some good trade, of course mine was not too bad but I can now see where I could have done a lot better, either gasoline or electricity is what a young fellow should go in for if he wants to follow that kind of work at all.

I think you have probably heard from Alf before this that he did not have to have his toe amputated, at least he has never told me of having it done, he told me in one letter that he might have to have it done but I never heard any more of it. I just heard from Doris Jeffries yesterday that Alf had gone to the rescue Battn. at Seaford after spending the big part of a 14 days leave with them in London. Alf will likely get back to Canada from there, the same as Fred Bagnell did. That parcel that I told you I had not received, when I was at the reinforcement camp, (rest camp) went to the Battn. and my pal Willie Tyler got it and divided it amongst our section, so I think all your parcels have come through alright.

I did not have very high temperature when I had the touch of trench-fever, but just an aching pain in my legs, mostly below the knees, but I have not felt it for quite a while now and am feeling better now than I was anytime before in France.

I am not at the Brigade ration dump as I was when I wrote last but am in very near as good a place, I am at a school as instructor for a while, but we can not do much, as the weather is pretty cold.

We heard a rumor here yesterday that there has been a boat sunk with a big Can. mail on it, but that is an old song over here, If I remember right I think the date of your last letter before these two was Nov. 14th so I guess I have only missed one or two letter from you in between and they might turn up yet as the Can. letter mail has been held up on account of so many Xmas parcels, at least I have heard so.

I’ll bet Allan and John sure had a great time in Albernie and I’ll bet there was some talk going on while they were at the hotel alone, and of course John would have to find out particulars about the place in general.

I received a Xmas parcel from Zuna yesterday, and another one from Aunt Myrtle, it was sent to Willie Bush and as he is in hospital from the gas which he got some time ago, and my name being on the parcel as the alternative address, the parcel came to me. I would have sent the parcel on to him but I do not know his address.

I am still anxiously waiting for to be sent on leave but as I am down here now I might have to wait for another week or so. My pal Shorty Tyler went on leave a week ago last Sunday, so he would be in Blighty for Xmas. I would like to have been on leave with Alf, and if I had known in time I could have been with him.

We have had about 6 or 7 inches of snow fall over here so far but there is on about two inches lying on the ground now.

Well Ethel I have wrote a chade over the limit so I guess I had better ring-off for this time and send this in a green envelope, Hoping you are all well and wishing you all a prosperous new year

Your Loving Brother


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