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Date: November 9th 1915

The House, No.8. Wharf,
North Wharf Road,
Tuesday Nov: 9th 1915.

Dearest Mother,

I was very pleased to receive your kind & loving letter of the 13th. I received it last Monday the 1st & I really ought to have answered it before, but I have had my Darling home here for a few days leave & could not spare time to write to anyone, every minute with him is so precious. So I know that you will excuse me on those grounds. He is such a Darling & I do love him so much & it is just heaven to have him here & I just can’t bear to let him go. because I don’t know how long it will be before I see him again. I expect you will get Laurence’s letter before you get this, so will already know that we are looking forward to getting married at X mas. I wish you could be here but it is going to be very quiet & I believe quite as American as we can get it. No white dress & veil which is the English Fashion. I think it is much more sensible to wear a coat & skirt especially at this time of the year. But of course all this is only if Harold does not go to the front before spring. I hope that he does not go this winter as I am afraid the wet & cold will kill him. My favourite brother Dick has joined the territorial army. Queen Victoria Rifles. Has been in it a week now. He is only 18. but looks 20 or 21. He is greatly admired in his uniform. So that he expects to be in France in the spring. I hope not before.

I am so looking forward to seeing you but that day seems rather a long way off, but I often think of you & try to picture you. Harold talks so much about you, so I know that you are loving but I hope that you will not find my English ways too cold. I am trying to be American & the dear boy says I am quite American sometimes, but then I always did have a liking for American things, so perhaps won’t find it so difficult as some.

So you too think that I am like Hazel, that is what Harold said the very first time that we met & often says that I remind him so much of Hazel. But I am sure that I am not a bit like Hazel in ways. I must get another Photo taken so that you can see my face. I did have another taken at the same time as the one that you have got but Harold didn’t like it at all & wouldn’t let me send it. But he thinks that one is just sweet. But I assure you I am not always as nice as that. So don’t expect to see anything more than quite an ordinary little English girl. I don’t want you to be disappointed when you see me. Harold says in his letter that Hazel has sure made him laugh at the questions she has asked about me. He is very tantalizing & won’t say what it is. I should just like to see that letter & would sure laugh too I expect. Well, I guess I must close now to catch the mail. Mother & Dad send their kindest regards to you. With Fondest Love Dear Mother

I remain

your loving little daughter–to–be.


Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1915.11.09.01 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.09.02 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.09.03 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.09.envelope