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Date: May 31st 1943

RCAF Overseas
May 31, 1943

Dear Mother & Dad,

I received two letters from you last week and I was very glad to know that everything is going along well at home. When you get this letter, I suppose you will all be sweltering in the summer heat. It's too bad that you will not be able to get up to the cottage as much this year. I imagine you will really miss going up there on weekends like you did last summer. It's rather fortunate, though, that you do have a place to go away to for it seems that very few people over here have such things as summer cottages.

Did I mention last time, that I received a letter from Uncle Ted and Aunt Eleanor? They were asking me to come up and visit them. As I only get one day off each week, and I'm not sure just when I'll get my next leave, I told them that I wouldn't be able to get up to see them just yet, but would try later on when I get leave. When I get on an operational station I'll be getting about a week off every six weeks, so I should be able to get up to see them then.

I wrote a letter to Uncle Jim and Aunt Florence yesterday. It's just a month now since I last saw them, so I thought that I had better drop them a line. They treated me very nice when I was there and I certainly did have some very nice meals at their house. Before I left, I took a picture of Millie and Aunt Florence, so I'm enclosing it in this letter so you will be able to see what they look like. After this picture was taken, which was in the afternoon, we all went out for tea and cakes. The place we had our tea at was very nice. There was a small string orchestra playing. As a matter of fact, a lot of the cafes here have small orchestras playing while you eat. I told Millie that I was going to write to her but I haven't yet, so I'm going to try and get a letter away to her tomorrow.

Before I forget, the fellow I spent my leave with last Feb. is not someone you know. He comes from Ottawa. I don't suppose I'll be seeing him again as we have been posted to different stations.

If you can get any, would you send me some underwear over. The same kind that I used to wear. About size 30 or 32. Don't bother buying the tops. I never wear the top.

Well I guess that's about all I can think of to write to you about this week, so goodbye for now.

Your loving son,
