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Date: November 23rd 1917
Newspaper Article

[Published in the newspaper the Kamloops Standard-Sentinel on November 23, 1917]


Last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. A. Winterbottom received the sad news that their son Sydney had been killed in action. The official telegram stated, “Deeply regret inform you No. 116,506 Pte Sydney Amyas Winterbottom, infantry, officially reported killed in action Nov. 6th 1917.”

The information spread quickly over the city and was a shock to the entire community and a sad blow to the family, who had just had a letter from him a few days ago stating that he was getting along all right. Sydney spent his life in this town and received his education in the local schools being a general favorite with young and old. For a time, he had been quite ill, but before the beginning of the war, his health came back to him, and when he enlisted he was growing into a strong, sturdy youth.

He joined up with the 11th C.M.R. in July, 1915 and went to France in October, 1916 with a draft for the 29th Battalion, and had therefore been in the trenches for about thirteen months, latterly as No. 1 in a machine gun section.

His officers and comrades wrote of his strict fidelity to duty and his determination to do his bit wherever he was placed. Affable and generous in spirit, he was always a favorite, and here in Kamloops where he was so well known he was a friend of all and all were a friend of him. His unfortunate death, the news of which was received the day before his 22nd birthday, has cut short a most promising career and the family have the sympathy of the entire community.

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