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Date: September 28th 1941

No. 82

Capt. G.S. Andrews, R.C.E.

Survey Directorate,

H.Q. Cdn Corps.

Canadian Army Overseas.

England, 28 Sept 41.

Dear Jean:

No mail last week. This week we expect to be busy on exercises, which involves some moving around, so any mail that comes will not likely catch up till the end of the week. Am rather looking forward to the exercise, because it will be a change - and will be, I hope, instruction - there are many details of soldiering that I still should know. The weather has been fine now for a couple of weeks, foggy mornings, but clearing off bright and sunny by noon - The leaves are changing too - and i suppose in another 6 weeks - will be gone and then winter. Winters here are not too nice, but this country is in vastly better shape to face it than the poor occupied countries - and even Germany itself. Have just finished reading a book by the Chicago Tribune [?] J.M. Raleigh - called "Behind the Nazi Front" - It covers only the early part of the war, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Germany - even thru the brutality of the German S.S. and the suffering of the conquered people was appalling. One wonders how long even the German civilian population can hold out. They are a long suffering race - but another winter must be a fearful prospect for them. Italy seems to be at the breaking point now - but they are no better then one of Germany's victories. Freedom, happiness and liberty certainly vanish behind the circumference of Deutsches Kulter, and Hitler's "New Order" - How countries like Turkey and Spain can hesitate when they have had such ghastly proof of what happens to all who fell into the Nazi magma - is beyond me. The old saying - "you can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time" seems particularly appropriate for Adolf and his gang.
Have finally conquered my little touch of flue or whatever it was, Didn't have to go to bed, but I wasn't very efficient for a couple of days. Think I will get my [?] & adenoids snipped out when get settled down again.

I mentioned to Lorne that you had his records, but not his radio phonograph, and that there appeared to have been some misunderstanding - he said he would write home and clarify the situation. I think if there is any shadow of reluctance on the part of the Swannell's senior to let you have the machine, I would take the records back to them - as secretly as you can, and forget about the whole affair. Perhaps it would be more satisfactory in the long run to buy our own radio-gramophone. I think the Victor combination outfit at $187.00 is the best - really we need a radio and a gramophone, and the combination should be the most economic way to get both - and it takes up less space. Also we should start now to build up a library of good records - for the benefit of Mary and ourselves. We are saving quite a lot by not having a car too.

Some cigarettes came from Alice & Harold Andrews, Abbottsford, the other day, via BC. House London. If you should be seeing them or writing, tell them I got [?] and thanks. Also a letter from Frank Swannell, at Ft. Smith, on the Mackenzie Waterways. He seemed to be making a leisurely trip down to Aklavik - what a grand trip - You & Mary & I will have to make the trip someday. Dick Farrow says that Betty, his wife tried to find you on Marlborough St but couldn't locate the house. He asked for the No. And is sending it to his wife - so you may have a caller some day.

We had another wonderful feed at Morris' the other night, Hammond, Bowers and self the honoured guests the last two of your lemons went into a lovely lemon pie - They certainly have been wonderful to us.
Sent an "airgraph" to Bill Hall the other day - It goes air mail from here, and you can send the equivalent to a simple typewritten sheet. Bill has said that his mail from home has been very slow. You might tell Mr. Hall that if he would like to send me the odd short letter for Bill, I will put it on an airgraph and relay it on from here.
Well dear - that is all for today - and hope you are both well and happy - Someday we will all be together again!

Love -


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