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Date: January 1st 1945

30 Cdn Air Survey Liaison Sec, RCE

Cdn Army England,

1 Jan 45

Dear Jean:

Before I foreget, here is the address of Ann Elisabeth Meuser's mother:
Mrs HL (Betty) Meuser

"The Willows", ANCASTER, Ontario, Canada.

Ann was born at 0122 hrs 1 March 44 at Bramshott, England, and christened at the Church of England, Reigate, Surrey, 11 May 44. The little green snowsuit you sent for her, I gave to Spr and Mrs David Lambert, for their small son Jimmie. Fortunately it just fitted him, and they were delighted. I told Lambert why it came, and why his Jimmie was to have it, but it was appreciated anyway. Also had a note from the mother of Alf's little Irene. They were delighted too, and pink is just the right color, Irene is dark haired, like her pa.

Your letter of the 17th came on boxing day, and the one of Xmas eve arrived today. Glad "Mom" got her card, and henceforth that is her name as far as I'm concerned, always wanted to call her something more familiar than Mrs Bergtholdt, but wasn't sure how she felt about it. Will be looking forward to Chris's letter, and will try to write him then. It was fine that Bud got home for Xmas. I'll bet hes had an interesting and worthwhile time. I would love to get out where hes been right away, and go home from there. Hope you get your US citizenship straightened out, and hope you can retain it. It was nice to get your letter written on Xmas Eve, and that was a busy day for you too, There is a lot in the Russian story of the Xmas tree, fatalistic, so typical of the Russians. Its interesting how a national characteristic can be so well exemplified in a childs story. I shall be looking forward to meeting Mary's (and her mother's no doubt) admirers, like Mr Pope. My letters from the continent were a bit mixed up, and I have no copy of them. However, its best to write about things like that at the time when the impressions are more vivid. Hope I dolt you what a fine job Axel Kinnear is doing. My his parents would be proud of him, and of course Ax would not be the kind to garnish his own picture, even to his parents. I am very proud indeed of Axel.

I guess Mickey Trew's story about Bill and I going to broader fields after the war must have emanated from Bill's letters to various people back there. Actually what Bill thinks and what I think are not at all necessarily the same. It is quite likely that Bill will not come rushing home but I believe in the end he will be back working in BC, either for the FB or for some commercial timber concern. As for myself, it would have to be something almost fantastically compelling to make me abandon my work in BC, especially without going back to see what sort of a thing I can make out of my obvious work there. Mind you, I'll raise hell itself if they try to shove me around, and although giving me a job, don't let me have full scope in my own work. It would be perhaps a good idea to try to correct any misconceptions they might get out there about me. As far as I know now, I'm definitely coming back, and with a hell of a lot of new and useful ideas in air survey too.

Have had more time to think about Haywards offer, and am now convinced that as much, it is not for us. Rather better to put our effort into our home at 10-mile point, where we can live while I'm still working. It might be interesting to see what the next lot is worth, adjacent to ours, to the west. It is not nearly as nice a site as ours, but as an extension to ours, it might be OK. I would then feel that we had plenty of room. Would be willing to pay $500 cash for it. By itself it isn't worth any more in comparison to ours As you say, there are a lot of things we have to provide for too, (think we will have to have bikes too) and I want to do a bit of modest travelling with my wife and family along too. Have been toying with the idea of some post grad work too, possibly with a view to a PhD, the govt will give quite a bit of help to soldiers in that line, for a year. If I could get credit for the year I did at Dresden, might make it in a year, (as far as attendance goes). It might be a good way too, to get known at a good university, with an eye to getting on the staff. No, we might be very foolish to tie up everything we have in an impractical piece of ground at Mill Bay, even tho it would be a lovely place to retire. At the same time we can keep our eyes open, and if a bargain should come along in that line, we might grab it. Haven't seen Bert since our last talk, but will tell him next opportunity that we are definitely as far as prospective customers. Decided not to go down there on NewYears, today was a work day for the army, I was in London on business, and took time for a steam bath, which gives me a nice clean start for the new year. Had tea at Bevans, in their flat in Covent Gardna district, Always enjoy them, gave them a chunk of your Xmas cake, and they insist it is the most wonderful cake they have ever seen. They want bill Hall & I to come in to a pantomime with them, and stay the night. Think we'll try.



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