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Date: February 16th 1941

Got a dandy letter from Berbridges the H.B.C. chap at Ware on the
Finlay R - also one from my step mother - a very nice one - she is a bit lonely I think.

Lieut G.S. Andrews, R.C.E.,

"I" Branch,

H.Q. Canadian Corps,

R.C.A.S.F. Base P.O. Canada,

England. 16 Feb 41

I have beside me three of your letters, 5, 12, and 19th Jan, which all arrived together during the week. Your insurance and income tax papers both have gone forward, the former to you, waiving the double indemnity and total disability, and the provincial income tax I sent directly to the assessor - and arranged for the refund to be paid over to you. Glad you got the insurance paid - the money which I sent for that purpose can be applied on the loan when it arrives - or you may need it for some other purpose. Whatever you do is o.k. The 75.00 per month assignment to you from my pay did not begin until 1st August so there won't be anything coming for the time previous on that account. They sure took a chance sending nearly $600.00 by mistake to a lady who is finishing a house!

Your purchases for the house furnishing sound most interesting and you seem to be getting excellent value for the money spent. I wish you had bought the chairs you speak of - the principle of buying a few good things appeals to me much more than buying a lot of so so things. Believe it or not I have the utmost confidence in your taste and financial decisions in those matters, I wish I could be there to help you. However there will no doubt be lots for me to do on our house when I come back - it will be fine -Gosh I don't see how people can live indefinitely in rented houses.

Glad Mary's books arrived, they will be a nucleus for her library. I have written the Am. Soc. Of P.L.I. grammetry the Cdn Soc. Forest Engineers, the Can. Inst. Of Surveying to ask them to send me copies of their respective journals both to my Victoria address, and to me here. This will enable my library sets at home to be maintained complete, and the ones that come here can be read and if lost it doesn't matter. I think these all come to me c/o Forest Branch. You might ask Miss Taylor to add them to my stuff that she is looking after. Any odd technical stuff that comes can be sent on to her.

Mary's excursion into the toilet bowl was very amusing - and no doubt will provide some ammunition for me to tease her when she gets older - she must be the sweetest little rascal - It would be grand to see her -
When you see Jack Cummings again give him my best and I hope his wife is better. Poor little eAnne - she is certainly one in a million - perhaps when the spring days arrive she will pick up and feel better - give her my love. You will find it lonely when you get established in our own home - and it would be nice if you could get someone congenial to come and stay with you - How about Miss Fidlaw? There are several people who might be nice to have for visits too - Ruth or Helen - and Caroline might be persuaded to come up for the holidays - the exchange would help out as an attraction to anybody from the US. I'll have to look around for a nice little evacuee to send out to you - One thing you will be just nice walking distance from Swannells.

This is Monday - I had to call a halt last night, being invited out to supper at the Morris's - I told you about them - Didn't get home till late and wanted to read up on some dope to be ready for a conference with the general this a.m. - and get some sleep - because a clear brain is a good thing to have when you're talking with the Corps Commander. Incidently the conference came off very well - and as usual I have a lot of work to do now as a result of it. I am trying to have some reforms put over in one air photo technique etc. and so far the old man seems to think my ideas are not too bad. If I can be allowed to work away on things of this nature, and get my work laid before the right authorities - well then I feel that I am doing something worth while - regardless of what rank & pay the "office boys" seem fit to give me. At last I feel as though I am getting my ear in - I hope its not too late.

Had a nice evening at the Morrises - a nice cold supper - and chewing the ring around the fire place afterwards.

I am "officially" teamed up with a young chap from Toronto - very likable lad - a good favourite with the ladies - he's a bit lazy - and an opportunist, but he has brains too - I kid him along - and we like each other a lot - both so different I guess. He went off on leave to-day - and I go next week, which brings me to the next subject.

Bill, my brother is safely here in the country. I phoned him the other night - and he is in a part of the country strange to me - and tied down a bit - so I am going up his way for my leave - and later when he gets better acquainted with ways & means, perhaps we can get in a week-end or two down this way.

It was certainly a great relief to hear from him and know that he safely here.

I will be glad to write Ray Robinson - she is a good scout. Unfortunately my Xmas hamper from the Forest Branch didn't arrive - although Lorne Swannell got his in good time for Xmas - I might as well tell her the truth I guess. I did get a box of 300 Sweet Caps from the F.B. just before Xmas I think it was, and I believe I acknowledge that. Anyway I'll dash off a note to Ray.

Well dear - I guess that's most of the news - So cheerio - and all my love


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