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Date: December 10th 1916
Uncle Solomon and Aunt Maggie
Smith, Arthur Calvin

Dec 10, 1916

West Sandling Camp

Dear Uncle Sol. & Aunt Maggie

Just a line to let you know I am well and in Camp. The weather is quite warm over here. the ground is quite not frozen over here and it is muddy as it rains quite often here. I think I wrote to you from London, where I went on a six day pass. While in London I went to see the "Tower of London" (I sent 18 post cards of the Tower home, drop in and see them some time as they are fine. There is where you see old relics some 500 to 600 years old and older. I also seen the "St. Pauls Cathedral" where a lot of the Kings and noted Men of Brittian are buried. I also seen the Wax works Where all the Kings and noted men are put up in Wax and they look real. I also seen the Zoologicol Gardens there.

I certinly had a fine time in London and if I get again a Pass I will go again. London is worth seeing and had lots to eat there as I bought 5 & 6 meals a day costing about 200 a day for meals. We are living in huts 30 men in one hut and they are quite comfortable and having a fine time, but of course quite hard work over here. When writing again put this address on the letters as I may not be here. then, may be over in France.

Pte. A. C. Smith, no. 739465

"B" Coy. 114th Battn. C.E.F.
Army Post Office.

London, England.

Hope you are all well and having a good time around Dunnville. If you ever get to London you want to see the "Tower of London" it a fine Old Place to see.

Best Wishes


Arthur C. S.
