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Date: October 15th 1944
Mother & Dad

Callcott. C.H.
R90468. R.C.A.F.
Oct. 15. 44.

Dearest, Mother & Dad.

Well here it is the middle of Oct and I hope this letter finds, you Mom and Dad and Sis, in the best of health, as the same is here. Well I received another swell parcel from you yesterday, mailed on the 2nd of Sep. and the letter inside was a nice long one and very interesting to read, every thing in the parcel was swell, the cookies came over and wasn’t even broke, so you can tell what a good wrapper you are.

Well I guess by now you will have made up your minds if you are going to move or maybe moved by now. It will be much nicer in the city especially for the winter and let’s hope the job is up to the mark, it will also be better for Betty, and more than likely Mary and I will settle in London after the war, of course it all depends on what Mary wants to do, we have had some nice weather but tonight it has started to rain.

Well here it is another night and it has stopped raining for a change. I guess I’m getting like you Mom, writing letters on the installment but it’s better than none, what Say? I received another 300 cigs from [?] today that’s two lots in a month, and I must write to them, thanking them for the smokes.

I go on leave a week from this Thursday but leave is only for in this country, so I’m going to Brussels it’s only five days, but will be a change and rest. I’m keeping my diary up pretty good, of course I’ve missed the odd few days, but the most important things are in it, and it will be kind of nice to read it after this is all over. Well Folks I guess this is about all for once more, hope to see you soon, and Thanks again for the parcel. So Bye once more, good luck.

Your Ever Loving Son.

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