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Date: November 8th 1915

Nov. 8th 1915
J Ward
3rd London Gen Hospital
Wandsworth S.W

My Dearest Kate

I received your letter of the Oct.11th on Sat the 6th of this month. I was beginning to think that it was lost as I read one from Jim on the day previous that was posted on the 15th. Also one from the Sec of the S.O.E on Wed posted on the 15th. The date on the PO stamp on your letter was Oct 12th so one of the others had gained five days on it. I think it must be as you say dear that our letters get sorted after the rest. Your letter has been to France it has the Field P.O. Stamp on the back dated Nov. 4th so that's the cause of the delay. I think that is because you put the number of the Batt on the envelope. I have had two or three the same way & they have been to France not all your. I don't see why they should as they have been addressed to the hospital alright. Jims letter was addressed the same way & didn't get sent to the front. I wouldn't address any more to the 7th Batt dear; just the ward & hospital will find me alright & there will be no chance of them going astray. I see you still address them to L Ward instead of J but that doesn't make any difference as the one is just opposite the other & the same sister is in charge of both wards. I hope you wont have to address many more here after you get this. I got my crutches on Sat & have been on them a little each day since but of course I cant go far on them yet but I shall soon get used to them my dear. The Kaiser didn't visit Dhrdry while I was there. The crown prince was a Geisser when the boys left there & wished them all Good Luck I like his cheek! I was sorry to hear dear that you had been suffering so much from neuralgia but I hope its better now I dreamt the other night that I was in Victoria & was walking as good as ever with my artificial leg. I was going up Fort St to call at Clays - the place was all pulled down & being rebuilt. Then I went to the phone to ring you up & woke up just as I'd got you on the wire. What a disappointment to find it was only a dream after all. Never mind dearest I shall be looking you up come day - before very long. I hope to be back by about the end of April if not before & the sooner the better for me too. I don't think Mother cares about me going back to Canada although she hasn't said anything to me about it. Now dearie I think this is all I have to say this time so will close with heaps of love & tons of kisses XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

P.S I went to a couple of concerts here last week & they were good too: George Robey is coming here soon I should like to see him.

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