Somewhere in France.
Sept, 15th, 1917.
Dear Friends
Well Mrs Johns I hardly know how to start this letter. Of course I know you's will have received the sad news of poor Earl's death It's the hardest thing I ever felt my duty to do. to write and inform you's of this news of your dear boy and my best friend I feel that the loss of Earl as friend is nearly as much as Son. But Mrs Johns don't grieve more than possible for I am sure that Earl felt it his duty no matter what the price was. He was has brave a soldier has I have ever met And was loved by all has knew him. He did not suffer at all for death came instantly And was buried in a Canadian cemetery. He got a proper burial The boys of his section burying him the same night has he died. He was not buried in the same cemetery has Clar. For we were too far from it. I am sure you's have the deepest sympathy of the boys in your bereavement. But I am sure Earl was ready to meet his maker. So let our prayers be that we shall meet again. I must close asking you to accept my sincere sympathy. I remain
Your friend
Jackson Woods