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Date: June 24th 1917

France Sun. June 24/17

Mrs. H Johns
Ont. Can.

Dear Mother :- Just a few lines to let you know I am well. We had Church parade this morning at 9 A.M. It was the Battn's 2nd anniversary. We had a feed of good things for supper and also beer. Don't tell the old ladies as they will think that we are being spoiled over here. After supper we had a dandy concert given for us. They sure have some dandy Actors here to entertain us when we are out on rest. The weather is not so nice as it was awhile ago it rains quite often I got Mrs. Wood's box the other day. Jackson also got his mothers and your box last night so we feed high these days. I wrote Addie the other day. I wrote Victor Hogarth about my watch and he said that he had sent it and I know he would do as he said. He wanted me to find out if you got it and write and tell him. Well the mail will soon go outand I must close now and write again next week. healt and weather permitting.

Yours Truly.
From Your loving son

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