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Date: April 9th 1944
Marion Loney
Ted Loney

April 9/44
Halifax NS

Dear Mom

At last I am writing again. As you know by now I got the leave that I mentioned to Barbara.

It was an accident that I got the second one. There was no record of the one that I had in January. So I applied for another but I was told that I may not get it so I didn't mention it. They also told me that I would not be able to get any traveling time so I made out my application to Kenora. When I did get it I got a weekend and a 96 which would have given me about 8 days at home. I had 13 days in Kenora.

The second night that I was there a bunch of us went over to Reddit for a "broom ball" game and a dance after where I had a swell time. Except for the fact that someone stole my pen & pencil out of my tunic at the dance. I am going to get another as soon as I can get a little money ahead again. I was out skiing several times while I was there and had a grand time, spent a lot of the time picking myself up. This time I didn't get out on the lake after wolves as there was too much snow on the lake.

You should see Carol, she sure is cute when I left she had just sprung her fourth tooth. Bob and Joan are doing fine and into mischief most of the time. While I was there we took some pictures of Carol with my camera. I left the roll with Berna to be developed when I get the negatives back I will send you some pictures if they are any good.

The day before I left I had my category raised to A2 which makes me OK for overseas but as yet I have not heard anything when or if I am going.

When I landed back here Friday morning it took me most of the morning to get my kit together and straightened out again. Then that night I was on fire picquet which kept me up most of the night. The meant that I did not get a full nights sleep from the time I left Berna's until last night and was I having a heck of a time to stay awake. This morning I didn't get up until 10 when I had to rush to get to church at 11. This afternoon I spent some of the time doing some washing & finally got around to this letter.

There were three papers & a Readers Digest here when I got back thanks for both.

You mention that Bill has another address now so I will wait for it. Is Bob in Van. or has he been moved if he has will you send me his address. If he wrote me I have not received his letter as yet.

I received a notice from the post office that your parcel has arrived but will not be able to get until tomorrow as it is closed today.

At the present time I don't know of anything that I need.

From your letters I take it that Shirley's foot is not doing too bad now. I sure hope that she does not do it any damage as it will be weak for quite a while.

I don't think that I have ever seen the pictures you mentioned.

I am glad that Pat likes her ring.

The weather around here now is just like what it was when in Van. when I was home. As long as it doesn't get the way it was last spring when I landed here I don't mind.

Well Mom I will close for now give my love to everyone.

P.S. Glad to here that Oddie has another job, hope that it is better than the last.
