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Date: March 20th 1944
Gordon Joshua Dennison

March 20th 1944
RCAF Overseas

Dear Folks.

Well here I am again and I am feeling fine and beginning to do some work for a change. There isn't much news so I still write this letter so you can read it. Yes I am out of bed before seven in the morning now and I am really ready for bed by ten at night. We are deep in our training now and for awhile yet to come I guess.

I haven't received any mail from Canada for about two weeks now except for the letter Earl wrote. It is getting mighty grim going to the mail box and finding none every day.

I went to Burmmingham on a 48 and Allan Croson was there but I couldn't find him wait a minute I think I said that in my last letter.

Well how are things going back home, I was walking past a field to-day and saw a tractor pulling a drill I think the drill was about an eight foot one big drill eh. It made me think of the good old days.

I was just thinking the other day and it was on what you could send me from Canada (1) Cigarettes (2) Noxzema (3) A can of peanut butter (4) Blue letter forms (5) Gum (6) and I could stand a turtle neck sweater for I really need them. (7) And more cigarettes

I have plenty of razor blades soap socks.

I like gum when I am flying for it keeps my jaws busy and my stomach in place.

I have been looking over this letter and it's a horrible looking mess but I guess I will have to let it go anyway.

Is June still going to school in Asssiniboia or did she go back out to the country.

You know it's a hard job trying to write a letter when you haven't received one and there are no questions to answer.

I meet a fellow to-day who knew Cody from Assiniboia he went through St Thomas with him back in 1940-41.

I have been shooting a few clay pigeons lately it's a lot of fun and I am as good as any of them at hitting them.

Well I guess I have run down again and out of paper so I guess I will have to close for now so here hoping this finds you all well

With Oceans of Love
