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Date: April 4th 1941
Gordon Joshua Dennison

April 4th 1941
St Thomas Ont.

Dear Folks

Well I sure got a good joke pulled on me on April the 1st all right for that was the day I was to get out of here. Cecil has been out of here 4 days now yesterday coming back from his 3 day sick leave so stopped and we said a few words through the window. He went to see Valery and Leony in London .I am improving I think my back doesn't hurt half as much as it did but last night I had three nose bleeds the last one lasted for a long time. It bled about one quarter of a cup of blood in a cup. They were giving me pills and pills and more pills for SF which where putting my stomach out of order they have changed the pills and my appetite is coming back.

I don't feel to bad now but about 3 nights ago I was miserable. This is my 24th day in here not bad I am 6 months in the force and one spent in the Hosp. One fellow here has been in the forces 3 monthe and has been out of the hosp. for 5 days he isn't doing bad.

Is dad going to get rubber tires on his new tractor the deal sounds good to me, a new tractor will sure help a lot.

One fellow I slept with a few nights in here has taken ammonia or something. He had a bad cold then they gave him 3 inoculations, well the inoculations made him sick and the cold just went to work.

I don't think I will have my picture taken until I get out of here awhile and put on some of the meat I lost in here.

I haven't written to anybody while I have been in here except to Mrs. Stringer and you I didn't know weather I should or not.

Well this is all full scribbling but it's a few lines. Weathers fine down here now I hope to get out and enjoy some of it soon

Love to all

PS if I could get out of here to spend Easter Monday and Grandads
