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Date: January 1918

Tuesday Jan. 1, 1918

Went out to Dr. Robertsons at 29 Kilbourne Rd, Clydebank to spend a few days. These people are friends of Jakes. Had a most friendly reception and found them all very nice.

Last night New Years celebrations by the Residents of Glasgow was some celebration. There's a good many sore lads today.

Wednesday Jan. 2, 1918


Stuck around Clydebank all day reading and listening to music by the girls.

Thursday Jan. 3, 1918


Jake & I came into town for the day. We entertained a couple of his friends for a while in the P.M. and returned to Clydebank in the evening.

Friday Jan. 4, 1918


Came into town in P.M. Had tea at the Central Hotel, dinner at F + F's and went to a Vaudeville show afterwards. Caught the train at 9.45 for London. Succeeded in getting a sleeping compartment. Thus ended a very nice holiday. Dr. & Mrs. Robertson and girls were most hospitable and allowed us to have a real quiet and peaceful holiday

Saturday Jan. 5, 1918


Arrived in London at 8 A.M. Had breakfast at Regent Palace and caught the 11 A.M. train at Charing Cross for Folkestone, arriving there at 2 P.M. had some photos taken.

Sunday Jan. 6, 1918


Arose early (7.30) and went with the Doc to Capt. Saylor's at 8.30 for a pancake breakfast - very good too, stayed at the laboratory for the rest of the morning and at the Salisbury Hotel for the rest of the day.

Wrote to F & M and to May. Sent 5 pds for deposit to Bk of Montreal and a souvenir spoon to May.

Monday Jan. 7, 1918

Missed first boat for France but caught the 2.30 P.M. one. Had a quiet trip over. Registered at the Louvre Hotel for the night. Inquired about train up the line and found ti went at 5.27 A.M. - an Horrible Hour.

Tuesday Jan. 8, 1918

Very cold and snowing all day

Stayed at the Louvre Hotel last night. Took return leave train at 5.27 A.M. and reached Lillers at 1 P.M. It was one hell of a cold ride. My horses were awaiting me so came straight to the Btty. Found Major Flexman at # 18 C.C.S. & Capt. Mielke on leave since Sunday. Manning on a gas course and the rest of the boys with the battery.

The battery is in Bellery.

Wednesday Jan. 9, 1918

Cold in A.M. - Heavy Blizzard at noon and rain in the evening.

Rode into # 18 C.C.S. at Capugnoy in the A.M. to see Major Flexman. Had lunch with him and returned in the P.M. Had a dirty ride back thru the blizzard.

Wrote to May.

Thursday Jan. 10, 1918


Visited Brigade H.Q. in A.M. and rode to Ordnance with the QMS in the afternoon. Capt. Burch is new D.A.D.D.S.

Received a box of Laura Secord candies from Gertrude

Friday Jan. 11, 1918


Around the lines all day. Horses inspected by the C.O. at noon.

The 22nd Soccer team played the 25th Btty and won by 4 to 1.

Saturday Jan. 12, 1918


Around the lines in the A.M.

Went up to Annette in P.M. to see our boys play the 18th Btty team. We lost 1 - 0.

Sunday Jan. 13, 1918

Colder today

Attended Brigade Church service at Ferfey in the A.M. around the lines in the P.M.

Received a letter from F & M dated Dec 16 - one from Mrs. Watson Dec 16 and 2 from May dated Dec 16 and 19th

Wrote to May

Monday Jan. 14, 1918

Snowing all day with rain toward evening.

Feeling pretty tough all day so stayed in the house

Tuesday Jan. 15, 1918

Raining heavily all day.

Spent the afternoon with Major McKay at Brigade H.Q.

Received parcel of Tobacco from Leo Burrows, and letter from May dated Dec 23rd

Wednesday Jan. 16, 1918

Rained all night and at intervals during the day.

After getting horses harnessed up we were notified that the inspection was called off. Instead Gns Burnstall inspected the horses lines only.

Visited the Dentist and had seven teeth filled.

Wrote to F & M, to May, to the Doc + to the photographer

Thursday Jan. 17, 1918


Usual stable routine

Friday Jan. 18, 1918


Usual stable routine.

Spent the evening at Brigade H.Q.

Saturday Jan. 19, 1918

Fair, with occasional showers.

Left Bellery at 9 A.M. and came as far as Estree Caneby. A very tiresome trip considering the distances traveled. Arrived at our billets at 4 P.M.

Sunday Jan. 20, 1918


Have been feeling pretty tough for the last couple of days.

Left Estree Caneby at 9 A.M. At Quatre Vents I detached the guns and took them to [?] where I turned them over to 58th Btty, 5th Div. Arrived back at the Wagon Lines at La Fargette at 1 P.M. Found our Wagon Lines ruined and in a terrible state of filth. Had to put the horses on the old 15th Btty lines.

Monday Jan. 21, 1918

Rained during the night

Started in to clean up the lines and build new standings.

Felt pretty tough all day and had the Doc examine me. He was for taking me to the hospital immediately as he diagnosed appendicitis. I refused to go until the morning.

Bgde H.Q. moved into the hut which I am occupying.

Capt. Mielke arrived in from leave tonight.

Tuesday Jan. 22, 1918

Rained during the night

Work still going on at the standings

Rode into Touchez in the P.M.

The horses + lines inspected at noon by the Inspector General of remounts.

Pains in my abdominal all gone today But still feel pretty tough

Wednesday Jan. 23, 1918

No rain today

Reported to # 6 Field Ambulance in the afternoon and was sent to the Can. Corps Rest Station at Fresnicourt for treatment.

Thursday Jan. 24, 1918


On examination by the M.O. find that I have ulcers Gingivitis or Trench mouth. Instructed to report to the dental officer for treatment

Friday Jan. 25, 1918

Sunshining and warm

Reported to the Dentist. Find I have daily treatments till the infection is cleared up which will be probably two weeks.

Saturday Jan. 26, 1918


Sunday Jan. 27, 1918


Met Major Strathy M.O. of Toronto. He is in as a patient.

Monday Jan. 28, 1918


Find that this place is certain a Rest Camp. There are no rules or restrictions. We are at liberty to amuse ourselves as we see fit.

Original Scans

Original Scans