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Date: May 9th 1918

France May 9th 1918

Dear Sister: -

Will write you today and answer your letter of April 7th and you can then pass it along to Guelph. You make me hungry when you mention strawberries but possibly we may get some later on. The plants are blossoming here now but do not expect to get much of the fruit as too many will be out after it. We have a nice stove and something hot to drink practically every night and also something to eat when we can get it. Sometimes make porridge and it is certainly good with milk and sugar.

You will [?] by my letters that all is good with us and so far have not been in the heavy work although cannot say what may happen next or when we maybe.

Sorry to hear you have been troubled with Grippe but doubtless by this time you have fully recovered and I hope so. So you are looking forward to your holidays already. You had better wait until July & August as they will be hot months in Toronto and if you took them before the summer would seem extra long I would imagine. I enclose a piece of paper which is from an enemy balloon. They are about six feet high and were used to scatter the propaganda leaflets. This one landed near us so I got some of it.

Had a letter from Eliz. a few days ago. She is apparently in earnest about getting O Seas and is making an attempt to get away from Great Falls.

Do not expect you will get over from the Base Hospital for some time unless they change things.

In my last letter I mentioned a paper. The house shown is one hundred yards from where I live and is the same as shown in the photo they have at home and you will easily recognize it. I guess you haven't seen the photo at home but they will know it.

I like my new work very good as it is interesting and at the same time I am leaning how things are done which may be of benefit to me.

Received a box from Edna Larking a couple of days ago with some nice cake in it.

Wrote her a letter acknowledging it yesterday.

I hear you are buying up all the War Bonds these days, so they have to issue more. That's the way to do it, and a good thing to have. Always safe to be ready for a rainy day.

Well I think this is about all the news today so will close.

With love

Your brother,

Graduation was also last week it was at the [?]

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