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Date: November 2nd 1939


November 2, 1939

Dear Mother:

This letter writing has certainly gone crazy since the beginning of the war. My last letter received from home was written on August 28. The hold-up is due to movements of the ship, or as they say, "exigencies of the service."

Your son went through another medical board the other day and I am still highest category - fit for fully flying duties at home and abroad. I weigh, incidentally, only 190 lbs. Sometimes I hear my engine labouring as it tugs the weight through the air!

I hope to have some Daily Heralds to read and see how Canada takes the war. Max, I suppose, will soon be seeing active service. What is Bill Edwards doing?

Hitler claimed to have sunk Glorious the other day, but he must have made a mistake in identification!

The last holiday taken was to Canada last year, and it looks as though a long time will lapse before yours truly sees another one. nevertheless, I feel fit and raring to go.

How is Jean getting along in Grade XI? I hope she is having a grand time and enjoying many parties, etc. She might soon be serving overseas in one of the nursing or transport services. Oh Bill! England's girls are certainly helping out in a big way in A.R.P. etc.

What does the crop look like this year? I hope it is a big one.

I don't know how we would get along without radio in this war. It certainly is a boon to you people at home in Canada as well as to us abroad.

My promotion to Lieutenant (A) R.N. dates from October 12, as you know and the extra £10 a month will certainly be welcome, although our income tax of 7/6 in the £ will whittle it down somewhat. What is the income tax in Canada by the way?

I am sorry that I have no stirring tales of heroism to tell, but I am just doing my job of work. There will be plenty of time for the former soon, no doubt! Still, my engine will probably be the first thing to let me down. We are on active service every time the wheels leave the ground or deck.

My three years of service flying will, I hope, do me in good stead.

Send me a picture of Ronny soon. He must be quite a lad. Does he still remember "Ball" - Don't kid me! Who was that 6'2" of nothingness who spent two weeks at 1608 Daddy?

Lots of Love


P.S. Give me some idea how long this letter takes. Have I properly censored my letter? WHM
