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Date: December 3rd 1915
Gordon DeGear

Winnipeg, Dec. 3/15

Dear Mother

I got my boots this morning and they have just come in time as we are to have our first hockey practice on Monday. I got your letter the first of the week. Joe Long has been transferred into the Engineers and leaves us today. He is to leave for Ottawa shortly but may go home first. I was to go out with Uncle Dick for dinner on Sunday but I did not get back from church in time so I had to postpone it. Jack Hoskins was to go with me but he left before I got back. Uncle has been in the hospital for a short time but do not know what was wrong with him. We had our room fumigated yesterday for bugs as some of the boys were crummy. I have had another nice cold but still go on parade because it is worse staying in than out. We are in the basement and the floor is cement and it always damp. A bunch of us were hauled up for not getting up but we all got off. We took our company for a bath day before yesterday. They take us in turns as we have no place in barracks to wash. We have to go across the street and there is no shower baths. I heard that Tom [?] got a V.C. but have not heard if there is anything in it or not. There are quite a few fellows getting discharged these days. We have a soldier just back from the front with his right hand off in the band, they have just got their new outfit of instruments. The weather is keeping pretty warm so far but it was pretty cold the other morning. Our Capt. (Colclough) has been given 2nd in command of a new battalion and we has Mepham for our captain now. The 53rd gave a dance in the barracks on Wednesday night and there will be one by the 79th next week. E. S. turner has been sick with a bad throat and there is still a big bunch still sick. I do not know what makes so many sick but it must be the conditions that we are living under. I am sending a couple of photos we had taken of our platoon but it is not a very good one but they were pretty cheap so I thought I would send them anyway. I saw Aunt Effie at church on Sunday but did not speak to her. We had a parade for the good Presbyterians, and are going to take us to the same church every Sunday. The C. of E. go at 9.30 and get out before the morning service starts. We go to Ralph Connors Church. It is nearly time to go on parade so I will close so that it will go on this evenings train. Love to all

Your loving son


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