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Date: July 9th 1918

July 9th 1918

My Dear Mother:

My last letter was written on July 4th and while there was a little Canadian mail today I only received one letter so far but probably a few more may be along tomorrow. When I have no letters to answer have very little to write about but will write what I can of interest. On the 5th I was on duty at the same work as usual also on the 7th. Yesterday morning I went on duty at office work for 24 hours a little piece away from my billets but returned again this morning. Marshall came back a couple of days ago and is alright again. He is also doing office work. Saw an exciting fight in the air this morning when we brought down an enemy plane on our side. They do great manoeuvres and the machine guns in our planes hit their mark and he fell. He would be killed by the fall. A fight is a rare thing and very seldom any take place on our side as we are too strong in the air and they very seldom venture across. Notice where an Edmn. boy I knew whose sister is married to Earle Chubb has been reported by the enemy killed. He was an aviator and a former OAC student. His name was Agar. Also noticed in a London paper a young fellow who was secretary of Robertson of Edmn. has won the V.C. which is pretty hard to win these days. He is a Lieut. But joined as a private and was studying for the ministry before joining up.

Yesterday was about the hottest day we have had this year and it was warm although not nearly as bad as it is sometimes in Ontario. Today is cooler and it has been raining a little which will lay the dust a little anyway.

We were paid a few days ago and it was made good use of. Suppose you will soon be busy picking the fruit and you are lucky to be able to get Sugar for preserving as they do not allow much for it across the water. Had hoped to get some fresh strawberries by this time, but although they have them down the line these days they have not come up yet. It is fairly quiet these days with a few lively spells. Do not know what will happen next.

Well I think this is about all the news at present. Will probably get a letter from some of you tomorrow since I have written today. Hope this finds you all well.

With love,

Original Scans

Original Scans
