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Date: August 13th 1918

Aug 13/18

Dear Father

I am right out of writing paper. I am enclosing the letter I got from Rob yesterday. also the picture I think he asked for some time ago. this is one terribly hot day. Received Evelyns letter yesterday. was out to Mrs Grays yesterday. The Dr. has an appointment at the General chief on medicine he still lives in the General. Dr. Wrights new assistant is leaving so he asked me this morning if I would consider his offer again. I am quite satisfied just now.

My pimples are all better the last one went away. Glad to hear you are getting berries.

Love from

[enclosure - fragment]

boys have been called along with many others. They are more in earnest lately. Pleased to hear you have had the boat out several times and notice you have had little trouble. You can no doubt do without batteries although it will be a little harder to start.

As already advised I have written a letter to Smith and sent you a copy, so I hope it will soon settle up the rent.

We have our own cooks for the men when at billets but when observing we have to cook our own meals. Sometimes I do or the signallers, as there are two of them there also. They should be called telephonists as telephones is what is generally used. Wires run over the ground or sometimes they are buried. If on top they are often cut with shells and have to be rejoined.

As you have read, pigeons are also used to a considerable extent in places where the wires are likely to be cut or communication cut off. A message is attached to their leg and then they are let loose and fly back to their loft which is generally miles away. Our canteen is generally as close to our billets as possible. Sometimes only a couple of minutes walk. The trouble is to get stuff for it to sell these days.

No, my lots are protected from sale as I am on active service. The taxes are paid up except on the two I have the trouble over. Have not heard yet how the sale came off. No, I carry no arms although I could get them if necessary. Do not go within range of them. Sorry to say we missed the fruit we saw in blossom as it is likely ripe by this time. There is nothing around here as the ground has all been torn up by shells.
