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Date: April 26th 1918

April 26th 1918

Dear Mother:

Did not get this away yesterday so will ad a few lines and post it at one.

Was down to the baths near here yesterday and also to a YMCA and got a few things to eat including some Shredded Wheat biscuits which only reach here occasionally and are a change at least. Was off duty yesterday and slept most of the afternoon and had a haircut. Last night had another shower and a little thunder. Black clouds rolled up and with the rain had a little sleet.

Canadian mail has not arrived yet although it may be along tonight.

There are a couple of concert Companies not far from here and I am going to try and get over to hear them. We have a baseball and football which we make use of sometimes. It has been quiet the last day or so and there has also been plenty of mud which makes it hard to get around.

With kind regards to all and love.

P.S. Received Fathers letter of April 1st and 2nd tonight along with four others. One from Margaret S. will answer soon

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