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Date: March 20th 1916

Granville Canadian Special Hospital,
Ramsgate, Kent.
March 20, 1916

Dear Mabel,

I just received your letter of Feb. 20. It took exactly a month to come to England - might be worse you know. Another operation on one of my fingers this week and then no more!

I have an easy staff job and I am enjoying myself pretty well. Down in the town there is a pretty little cottage with vines all around. In this little palace there dwells a fair maiden - you know the kind: has a dimple on her cheeks when she smiles, calls me Chawley, says "nao" and "not half". I don't mind spending a month or so here -- can't do as I like anyhow so might as well make the best of things.

Wish I were there to get some maple sugar. Can't say as I am anxious to go back to Canada until the war is over - "n'a peu finis."

Your loving brother, Charles.
