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Date: February 22nd 1942

Dear family

Hullo, hallo. Thanks for all your letters, and the very swell parcel. I hope you're getting all my letters. I think I'm missing a few of yours.

Glad you heard my broadcast. I'm afraid I missed yours by about 30 sec. I wasn't notified by anyone, and so I didn't know when it would be on. By your letters I figured that I'd missed it by about a month. On Wednesday I was sitting right by my radio and one of the batmen came running in to say that you were on the radio. I switched it on but I was too late. However, next time I'm in London I can go to the B.B.C. and they'll play the record over.

Life is very quiet at the moment, except for last night, when I was Orderly Officer, we had a bit of a fire.

My platoon is doing a demonstration for a Company Commanders School on Tuesday that should be pretty good fun. We line all the majors up alongside a field about 25 yards away from them. After that, we fire over their heads by about 15 feet, and do a few other shoots. Not a good place to make a mistake. So if you hear that I've been court-martialled you'll know that we knocked off a few by mistake. As all the officers are English, we always put on the dog a bit, just to show them. The men have been blanco-ing and shining brass for about a week now, so they'll look pretty smart.

Saw Marjorie Price (Mrs. Tim Hugman) with Tim. You remember him don't you.
Sorry this letter is a bit dull, but theres nothing much to write about right now, we're engaged in building the camp, and aren't training very much, mostly working parties.
London is pretty terrific these days. I was up on a week-end two weeks ago, and you can't get a hotel room on Saturday night for love or money, to say nothing of getting dinner. They need a couple of good blitzes to clear people out of town. When we went up last winter during the blitz, the hotel managers used to practically bid against each other for a customer. Now they just sneer.

Well, cheerio and love to all. Geoff
